
lǔ wū deng
  • Tungsten halogen lamp;halogen tungsten lamp
卤钨灯[lǔ wū deng]
  1. 在工作实验中,使用了2793K卤钨灯照射CCD143A光电器件,同时分别测量了光度量与辐射度量,其结果与计算值相近。

    In experiments , we used the2793K halogen tungsten lamp to irradiate the detector of CCD143A and measured the values of photometry and radiometry .

  2. 卤钨灯热源灭菌装置的研制

    Development of sterilization device using halogen tungsten lamp as heat source

  3. MB与卤钨灯照射两因素的T/E值大于1,具有协同增效作用。

    The value of T / E of MB and irradiation of halogen lamp was higher than 1.This data indicated that MB and irradiation of halogen lamp have synergetic effects .

  4. 结果正交实验显示,亚甲蓝光化学效应对血液中细菌灭活作用受MB含量、卤钨灯照射强度和照射时间等因素的影响。

    Results The results of orthogonal assays indicated that the inactivation efficacy for E. coli in the blood by MB photochemical treatment was influenced by MB content , the intensity and duration of halogen lamp irradiation .

  5. 测试结果表明,加各种膜卤钨灯的色温变化不大,均为3000K左右,故利用加膜卤钨灯来模拟太阳光谱是不可行的。

    As a result , we conclude that it is improper that the spectrum of the Halogen-lamp of covered films is used by simulating the spectrum of the solar radiation because it is about 3000K that the color-temperature of the Halogen-lamp have vary films .

  6. 其中光源主要是白炽灯和金属卤钨灯。

    Light source is incandescent lamp and metal Halogen Lamp .

  7. 普通照明用卤钨灯的特定有效紫外辐射功率

    Specific Effective Radiant UV Power of Tungsten Halogen Lamp for General Lighting Purpose

  8. 卤钨灯投影仪的故障及排除

    Malfunctions and Their Elimination on Halogen Tungsten Lamp Projector

  9. 本文就医学领域中常用的卤钨灯、氙灯等光源的原理、应用作了详细的对比分析。

    Summarizes the techniques of the light sources , such as halogen lamp and xenon lamp , etc.

  10. 卤钨灯气的实际配制

    Preparation of The Halogen Gas

  11. 这些光源为荧光灯,卤钨灯,短弧氙灯和金属卤化物灯等。

    These light sources are the fluorescent lamp , halogen lamp . short-arc xenon lamp and metal halide lamp .

  12. 利用卤钨灯可见光光源、自行研发的微型光纤光谱仪,利用直接探测法和消逝波间接探测法对生化样品(主要是血清与溴钾酚绿混合液)进行了探测。

    Both direct detection method and evanescent wave detection method are used to detect the spectral absorption of mixture of blood serum and BCG reagent .

  13. 用光强为100mW/cm2的卤钨灯对电池光照7天后,发现电池性能无明显变化。

    The performance of the CdTe solar cells has no obvious change under light illumination with halogen lamp ( 100mW / cm2 ) for 7 days .

  14. 国标规定普通照明用卤钨灯的特定有效紫外辐射功率必须小于0·35mW/klm。

    The specific effective radiant UV power ( SERUVP ) of tungsten halogen lamp for general lighting purpose is lower than 0.35mW/klm permited by Chinese National Standard .

  15. 在卤钨灯射灯产品上采用冷光膜、彩色膜(分色膜)、反红外透可见膜等技术手段,取得良好的效果。

    The technology of cold lighting coating , colorful coating ( separation coating ), infrared light reflecting coating on halogen lamps and spot lamps achieve very good results , more over , realize the high efficiency and low cost industrial production .

  16. 本文简要介绍几种主要的高效照明电光源产品,如卤钨灯、荧光灯、高压钠灯、金属卤化物灯和电子镇流器的国家标准的发展概况。

    This Paper will briefly introduce the development of China 's national standards for several major types of efficient electric light source products , such as tungsten halogen lamps , fluorescent lamps , high-pressure sodium lamps , metal halide lamps and electronic ballasts .