
  • 网络double image;dual image DIAC
  1. 双像双视场红外光学系统

    IR Optical System with Dual Field of View and Dual-image

  2. 罗伯萨丽双臂修长,有一双像人类一样的手。

    Robo Sally has two long arms with human-like hands .

  3. 轴向合像双像棱镜的设计和误差分析

    Design and error analysis of both-image prism in axial split-image

  4. 双像法测液体的折射率

    Measuring the refractive index of liquid with double-image method

  5. 她有着一双像杀猪人般的手。

    She 's got hands like meat cleavers .

  6. 利用双像高速摄影研究柴油机燃油束撞击雾化及燃烧特性

    Investigation of the Fuel Jet Impinging and Combustion Process by Two Picture High Speed Photography

  7. 那么如果你有一双像马雷欧·巴塔利那样带后带的鞋呢?

    But what if you get the ones with the back strap like Mario Batali 's ?

  8. 一双像我一样的眼睛,公众福祉的警觉的守望者&阿尔佛雷德·坦尼森。

    To an eye like mine , a lidless watcher of the public weal - Alfred Tennyson .

  9. 不过即使有一双像保罗那样训练有素的眼睛,在显微镜下观察,这些松露都可以通过真品的检测。

    But even to a trained eye like Paul 's , even when looked at under a microscope , these truffles can pass for authentic .

  10. 该方案包括三个阶段:预处理阶段、单像处理阶段、双像处理阶段,解决了基于航空影像的规则建筑物模型提取问题。

    The approach consists of three stages : preprocessing , monoscopic processing , and stereoscopic processing to solve the problem of regulation buildings extraction from remote sensing images .

  11. 利用双像高速摄影技术研究直喷式柴油机燃油束撞击雾化及燃烧过程。

    This paper reports the results of an investigation of the mixture formation and combustion process in a DI diesel engine by means of two picture high speed photography .

  12. 介绍了一种双像双视场红外光学系统,对其设计方法、分光原理和分光元件进行了深入讨论。

    A novel dual field of view optical system with dual image was presented , the design methods of this system , the operational principle of beamsplitter and the optical wedge are discussed respectively .

  13. 计算机立体视觉技术主要有双像合成法、莫尔条纹法、傅立叶变换轮廓法、位相测量法、三角测距法、聚焦法、飞行时间法和光谱法。

    Computer stereo vision technique can be mainly described as two images combination , Moire contouring , Fourier transform profilometry , phase measuring profilometry , active triangulation , range form focus , time of flight and spectrum project method .

  14. 他紧靠门站着,房门一打开,老头子就默不作声地伸出一双像虎钳般粗硬的老人的手搂住儿子的脖子,如同孩子似的痛哭起来。

    He was standing near the door , and , as soon as it opened , his rough old arms closed like a vice round his son 's neck , and without a word he burst into sobs like a child .

  15. Ba(NO3)2晶体中螺位错的双折射像

    Birefringence Image of End-on Screw Dislocations in Ba ( NO_3 ) _2 Crystals

  16. 四方晶系SBN晶体中位错光双折射像的理论计算和实验观察

    Theoretical calculation and experimental observation of birefringence images of dislocation in SBN crystals

  17. 在具有长程应变场的GGG晶体中螺型位错的应力双折射像

    Birefringence images of end-on screw dislocations in GGG crystals containing a long-range plane strain field

  18. 人造石英单晶中位错双折射像的反衬

    The optical contrast of dislocation in synthetic quartz with BIREFRINGENCE TOPOGRAPHY

  19. 研究分析了双距离像子空间的分类机理,并介绍了所采用的最近邻特征线判别规则。

    The classification mechanism of dual range subspace ( DRS ) using the nearest feature line is analyzed in detail .

  20. 克里米亚天文台太阳塔望远镜和双通道磁像仪

    The Solar Tower and Two-Channel Solar Magnetograph at the Crimean Observatory

  21. 双缝孔径像面强度全息术及其应用

    Double-slit aperture image plane intensity holography and its application

  22. 提出了测量物体表面三维变形的双参考光像全息散斑夹片新方法。

    On this paper , sandwich method of image holographic interferometry with two ference beams and speckle interferometry measurement .

  23. 所提出的结论为多基地雷达系统利用多站同时获取的双基地距离像构造目标散射点三维结构图奠定了基础。

    The conclusion can be used for constructing the ( three-dimensional ) image of target in a multistatic radar system .

  24. 他们互吻双颊,像老朋友一样谈论晚上的计划以及先在谁家碰头。

    They kissed cheeks and chatted like old pals about their evening plans and whose house they would meet at beforehand .

  25. 请问酋长兄这是缅甸地区的龙吗?风格确实和刀挡上的双龙头很像。

    Brother Youzhang is it dragon from Burma area ? The style is quite similar with double dragon head on block .

  26. 然而,正当他们站着谈话时,年轻的女人注意到,老妇人似乎有一双多毛,像男人的手臂。

    However , as they stood there talking , she noticed that the old woman seemed to have very hairy , manlike arms .

  27. 借助数学模型和系列试验,研究了散射线对钢管双壁透照像质的影响

    By the aid of mathematic model and a series of tests , the influence of scattering lines to the perspective image quality of steel pipe dual wall is researched

  28. 当代作家应该具有一双穿透视像的慧眼,绕过图像时代的陷阱,从而构建未来汉语文学的生命走向。

    In these circumstances , the contemporary Chinese writers should have themselves exceed the limit of vision , watching out for the trap of " The image time ", and strive for the construction of vitality trend of Chinese literature in the future .

  29. 目的研究磁共振扰相梯度回波诊断与鉴别诊断急性出血和钙化的定量指标,总结急性脑出血在双回波T2加权像上影像表现,探讨其影像表现的产生机制。

    Objective To study a rapid and quantitative method for the diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage at superacute stage by MRI , and to define the quantitative criterion of the differential diagnosis between acute cerebral hemorrhage and calcification by using FLASH T2 dual-echo magnetic resonance imaging .

  30. 双近贴聚焦像增强器放电点解决方法探讨

    Study on the Discharge Point of Double Proximity lmage Intensifier