
  • 网络bitung;Botone;Pittong
  1. 3)在流注放电中(5cm),通入氮气比通入氧气产生的H2O2浓度要略高。

    3 ) In streamer discharge ( the distance of two electrodes is 5cm ), hydrogen peroxide formed in nitrogen-water mixture discharge is more than that in oxygen-water mixture discharge .

  2. 在电极间距为3cm,所加电压为21kV时,通氧气比通氮气生成的H2O2多,而流注长度差异不大。

    However , when the distance of electrode is 3 cm , applied voltage is 21 kV , that formed in oxygen-water mixture discharge is more than in nitrogen-water mixture discharge , and the length of the streamer varies little .

  3. 清洗结果表明,采用化学方法洗膜,比通量恢复良好。

    The result showed that by chemical cleaning methods the specific flux recovered well .

  4. 膜清洗实验表明,化学清洗能够恢复污染膜的比通量。

    Membrane cleaning experiments have shown that the fouled membrane specific flux could be ultimately restored after chemical cleaning .

  5. 分割拓扑距离在总体上可反映树间的拓扑结构差异,但其测度精确度比通经拓扑距离要低。

    The partition topological distance can by and large measure the difference between phylogenetic trees , but has lower accuracy than the pathway topological distance .

  6. 这种方法的本质在于将连续语音识别的方法用于连接词的识别,因而它比通常用孤立字识别方法来识别连接词的方法优越。

    The nature of this method is applying the method of continuous speech recognition on connected word recognition . It is better than the method which applying the method of isolated word recognition on connected word recognition .

  7. 疏水性腐殖酸的比通量下降速度缓慢,且易受过滤水流条件的影响,在膜表面形成较为粗糙的层状和块状污垢。

    The descent rate of membrane specific flux caused by hydrophobic humic acid is quite slow , which can form rough pollution layer and block fouling on membrane surface , moreover it is susceptible to the filtration flow condition .

  8. 如果美国经济衰退的程度和时间低得出人意料(在我看来这不太可能,但比通缩性萧条的可能性要大),10年期美国债券收益率将大幅飙升至6%或7%。

    In the event that the US recession turns out to be unexpectedly shallow and short ( not very probable in my view , but vastly more probable than a deflationary depression ), yields may well shoot up to 6 or 7 per cent .