
  • 网络billyboy;BILLYHEY
  1. 结果表明:球磨加工的矿渣粉比立磨加工的矿渣粉颗粒尺寸分布宽、圆形度高;

    The result shows that slag powder by ball mill has wider particle size distribution and higher circularity than that by vertical mill ;

  2. 在矿渣粉比表面积相近(约430m~2/kg)时,球磨矿渣水泥的强度比立磨矿渣水泥的强度高。

    And that the strength of slag cement by ball mill is higher than that by vertical mill when the specific surface area of slag powder are similar ( about 430 m ~ 2 / kg ) .

  3. 制定一个实际些的目标难道不是更好吗?制定一个我们能确保完成的目标,比如说穿上近期买的牛仔裤能够刚好合身,会比立誓在短短几个月减去五十磅(即二十三公斤)好很多吧。

    Isn 't it better to be realistic , and set goals that we can be reasonably sure of accomplishing , such as being able to fit into those mom jeans that we bought recently , rather than vowing to lose 50 pounds ( 23 kilograms ) in a few months ?