
bǐ sài
  • competition;match;play;race;contest;outing;start;drive;clash;encounter;trial
比赛 [bǐ sài]
  • [match;competition;contest] 在竞赛中比较高低

  • 长跑比赛

比赛[bǐ sài]
  1. 输掉这场比赛对这个队来说是一件伤心失望的事。

    Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team .

  2. 我们在星期六的比赛中轻而易举地打败了他们。

    We gave them a drubbing in the match on Saturday .

  3. 下一轮他和谁比赛?

    Who will he be racing against in the next round ?

  4. 空手道比赛和拳击比赛有许多类似的地方。

    The karate bout has many similarities to a boxing match .

  5. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying .

  6. 要是赢了下一场比赛,我们就占优势了。

    If we win the next game we 'll be laughing .

  7. 这匹马因伤被取消了比赛资格。

    The horse was scratched from the race because of injury .

  8. 我还得看所有参赛者的实地比赛。

    I 've yet to see all the players in action .

  9. 这支队伍在比赛中有上佳表现。

    The team put on a good show in the competition .

  10. 她在最后一场比赛中进行了顽强的防守。

    She put up a spirited defence in the final game .

  11. 对该队在比赛中的差劲表现进行了检讨。

    An inquest was held on the team 's poor performance .

  12. 他在星期六的比赛中打进了他在本赛季的第一个球。

    He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday .

  13. 他被指控在比赛结束后制造骚乱。

    He was charged with causing a disturbance after the game .

  14. 他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。

    He was on a real high after winning the competition .

  15. 参加本年度马拉松比赛的人数创下最高纪录。

    There 's a record entry for this year 's marathon .

  16. 只有五匹马参加第一场比赛。

    There are only five horses running in the first race .

  17. 她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?

    Can she take the heat of this level of competition ?

  18. 明年她将参加高级组别的比赛。

    She 'll be racing for the senior team next year .

  19. 正如他们所预料的,比赛结果难分上下。

    It was a close finish , as they had predicted .

  20. 这次受伤可能使他无法参加下周的比赛。

    The injury could mean him missing next week 's game .

  21. 主队牢牢控制着比赛的局面。

    The home team took a firm grip on the game .

  22. 他已30多次入选威尔士队参加比赛。

    He has been capped more than 30 times for Wales .

  23. 他们有在主场观众面前比赛的优势。

    They had the advantage of playing before their home crowd .

  24. 比赛在下半场节奏略微放慢了一些。

    The game slowed up a little in the second half .

  25. 比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。

    The match looks like being a David and Goliath contest .

  26. 800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。

    The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon .

  27. 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。

    Two players are out of the team because of injury .

  28. 球队正在训练,备战星期五的重大比赛。

    The team is practicing for their big game on Friday .

  29. 第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。

    Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round .

  30. 蓝鸟队有机会囊括这一系列比赛的冠军。

    The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series .