
  • 网络FERDINAND;rio ferdinand;Les Ferdinand
  1. 费迪南德和福斯特都赢了,虽然这场球对英格兰也没什么意义。

    Rio Ferdinand and Ben Foster were victorious too , albeit in another'dead rubber'with England .

  2. 费迪南德也回到了球队,他训练中状态不错。

    Rio Ferdinand is in the squad , however , after some impressive training performances .

  3. 预料到费迪南德在本赛季如此成功的人并不多。

    Not many expected Ferdinand to be such a success this season

  4. 费迪南德受伤休养了一个月,重新归队后表现非常出色,他简直高兴极了。

    Ferdinand was jubilant after making an impressive comeback from a month on the injured list .

  5. 周围所有的太太也都参加了杨太太家的聚会。直到下午三点的时候,费迪南德太太才回到家。

    All the ladies lunched at Mrs. Young 's house , and at three o'clock Mrs. Ferdinand came home .

  6. 我们的一切都是工程学荣誉博士费迪南德•波尔谢(FerdinandPorsche)给予的。

    We owe everything to Dr. Ing . h.c. Ferdinand Porsche .

  7. 其同道中人还包括演员麦莉o赛勒斯(她在Twitter上发了121张自拍照)、坠机事件幸存者费迪南德o普恩特斯、宇航员史蒂夫o斯沃森。

    So has Miley Cyrus ( she 's posted 121 of them on Twitter ) . Plane-crash survivor Ferdinand Puentes . And astronaut Steve Swanson .

  8. 皮耶希是大众甲壳虫车设计者费迪南德保时捷(FerdinandPorsche)的外孙,费迪南德保时捷帮助创建了保时捷公司。皮耶希一直心怀合并两家公司的抱负。

    The grandson of Ferdinand Porsche , the designer of the VW Beetle who helped found Porsche , has long harboured an ambition to unite the two companies .

  9. 如果费迪南德和维迪奇打不了,那么在EPL中其实也没几个人能比埃文斯和布朗更好。

    If you take Ferdinand and Vidic out then there aren 't many partnerships in the Premier League better than Brown and Evans .

  10. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  11. 今晚在Dnipro球场的比赛将测试费迪南德的身体和球队的动力。

    This evening 's game at the Dnipro Arena will test Ferdinand 's fitness and this team 's motivation .

  12. 费迪南德已经得了黄牌,很幸运裁判Marriner只是给了任意球没有再给一张黄牌。

    Ferdinand had already been booked and was fortunate once the free-kick was awarded that Marriner did not show a second yellow card .

  13. 费迪南德半场被里斯。布朗换下,英格兰U-19后卫和他哥哥组成了曼联的中卫组合。

    Ferdinand was replaced by Reece Brown at half-time , and the England under-19s defender joined his elder brother Wes in the heart of the United backline .

  14. 大众和铃木本该想一想以往汽车企业联姻失败的例子,应该想到雄心勃勃的费迪南德皮耶希(ferdinandpich)领导下的大众公司、与铃木修这种家长做派领导下的铃木之间,很有可能是格格不入的。

    VW and Suzuki should have considered the wreckage of past automotive alliances and the potential incompatibility of the German company , under the ambitious Ferdinand PI ch , and the Japanese one under a protective patriarch such as Mr Suzuki .

  15. 德国杂志《经理人》(ManagerMagazin)本周表示,大众汽车的董事长费迪南德o皮耶希以及公司的控股股东保时捷家族已经与菲亚特的控股股东阿涅利家族进行了收购讨论。

    Manager Magazin , a German publication , said this week that Ferdinand Piech , the chairman of Volkswagen and a member of the company 's controlling shareholder , the Porsche family , had been in takeover discussion with Agnelli family , the controlling shareholders of Fiat .

  16. “费迪南德只犯了1个错误,”卡佩罗说。

    " Rio made just one mistake ," Capello said .

  17. 现在M道森将加入观望特里和费迪南德。

    Now M Dawson will join Terry and Ferdinand on the sidelines .

  18. “我很好,”费迪南德昨晚说。

    " I 'm fine ," Ferdinand said last night .

  19. 周五,走路的队长打电话给费迪南德祝他好运。

    On Friday , the outgoing captain telephoned Ferdinand to wish him well .

  20. 上诉可能使费迪南德面对延长禁赛期的危险。

    By appealing , Ferdinand ran the risk of the suspension being extended .

  21. 费迪南德和维迪奇都伤了,所以现在还不好说。

    Both Rio and Vida are injured so there 's no decision to make .

  22. 费迪南德是会犯些错误,但你不能质疑他的价值。

    Rio has made some mistakes , but you can 't question his value .

  23. 内维尔受了很多伤,但还是坚定向前。费迪南德能从内维尔身上得到鼓舞。

    Hopefully this lay off will help Rio 's other injury problems settle down .

  24. 马修•厄普森和安顿•费迪南德能够在周日与维拉的比赛之前复出。

    Matthew Upson and Anton Ferdinand could return from injury against Villa on Sunday .

  25. 一个注意力集中和身体健康的费迪南德,是曼联和英格兰的巨大资产。

    A focused and fit Ferdinand is a huge asset for United and England .

  26. 卡佩罗承认,任命费迪南德为队长是他一直以来所思考的问题。

    Capello admitted it was always his long-term thinking to have Ferdinand as his captain .

  27. 训练和比赛中与费迪南德和维迪奇一起对你有帮助吗?

    How has playing and training alongside Ferdinand and Vidic helped you progress so far ?

  28. 费迪南德向他岳父跑去。

    Ferdinard ran up to his father-in-law .

  29. “很幸运现在我的孩子们起床都很早,”费迪南德说。

    " Luckily now I have kids who get up very early ," adds Rio Ferdinand .

  30. 曼联后卫费迪南德已被法比奥。卡佩罗确认为英格兰对阵黑山时英格兰队队长。

    Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand has been confirmed as England 's captain by Fabio Capello .