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  • 网络Maggie;Magee
  1. 马吉阿姨和特德叔叔要来中国了。

    Aunt Maggie and Uncle Ted are coming to china .

  2. 现在是下午5点了。马吉阿姨和特德叔叔在飞机场呢。

    It is5: 00p.m.aunt Maggie and Uncle Ted are at the airport .

  3. 马吉被释放了,但是英国当局却被要求一见到他就立即逮捕。

    Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight .

  4. 马吉阿姨和特德叔叔很喜欢中国的饮食。

    Aunt Maggie and Uncle Ted like Chinese food .

  5. 她一面奔跑,一面尖声叫着马吉的名字。

    Screaming Marki 's name , she ran on .

  6. 马吉阿姨和特得叔叔在哪里?

    Where are Aunt Maggie and uncle ted ?

  7. 托德和马吉相互追赶着玩。

    Todd and Marki chased each other around .

  8. 婷婷跟马吉阿姨在谈中国的饮食。

    Tingting tells Aunt Maggie about Chinese food .

  9. 马吉给我画了张地图,但我却看不懂。

    Maggie showed me a hand-drawn map but I could make nothing of it .

  10. 他们是马吉阿姨和露西阿姨。

    They are Aunt Maggie and aunt lucy .

  11. 火车嘎然刹住了,格特跳了下来,伸手抱住马吉。

    The train screeched to a halt and Getter jumped off . Getter reached Marki .

  12. 这时,来自检验科的一个电话证实了在那个碗上只有马吉的指纹。

    Suddenly a call from clinical laboratory approved that on the bowl there were only the fingerprints of Maggie .

  13. 奥巴马在周末席卷四个州后,克林顿撤换了她的竞选总指挥多伊尔,改由她的长期助理马吉。威廉姆斯取代。

    Following his sweep of the weekend contests , Clinton replaced campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle with longtime aide Maggie Williams .

  14. 马吉•雷克将从纽约为我们报道美国经济在新的一年中会如何发展。

    Maggie Lake in New York now takes a look at how the economy is likely to shape up in the new year .

  15. 托德和马吉一到凯西家就跑到后院玩去了。克里斯蒂提醒他们要远离房子后面的铁道。

    Todd and Marki immediately scampered into kathy 's backyard to play , and Kristi reminded them to keep away from the railroad tracks that ran behind the house .

  16. 结果表明,马吉拱坝的位移、应力和超载稳定能力均达到稳定要求,马吉拱坝现施工方案基本可行。

    The results show that the displacements , stresses and overloading capacity of Maji arch dam meet the requirement of stability ; and the current construction project for Maji dam is feasible .