
  • 网络Department of Civil Aviation
  1. 马来西亚航空公司再次郑重声明,公司将继续与马来西亚民航局紧密合作,全力支持该局在马来西亚交通部权限范围下所进行的搜索和救援任务。

    Malaysia Airlines reiterates that we will continue to give our full support in cooperating with the search and rescue mission which is coordinated by the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia ( DCA ) under the purview of the Ministry of Transport , Malaysia .

  2. 马来西亚民航局负责人周日称,他们从法国有关部门获得了新的疑似残骸卫星图像,图像显示疑似残骸位于目前搜索区域以西约370英里(约600公里)的海域。

    The chief of Malaysia 's civil-aviation authority said Sunday they received new satellite images from French authorities of possible debris roughly 370 miles west of the area where the search is now focused .

  3. 她的这一诉讼还提及马来西亚民航管理局和空军未能掌握该航班的飞行路线。2014年3月8日的这架航班上共有乘客和机组人员239人

    Her lawsuit also names Malaysia 's civil aviation authority and air force for losing track of the plane with 239 people on board on 8 March 2014 .