
  1. 今年春天,马来西亚交通部(TransportMinistry)发布了关于马航370航班的初步报告,报告中唯一的建议是:希望联合国下属的国际民用航空组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganization)评估引进实时追踪标准的安全益处。

    In the spring , the Malaysia Transport Ministry issued a preliminary report on Flight 370 with a single recommendation : that the United Nations " International Civil Aviation Organization examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real-time tracking .

  2. 马来西亚航空公司再次郑重声明,公司将继续与马来西亚民航局紧密合作,全力支持该局在马来西亚交通部权限范围下所进行的搜索和救援任务。

    Malaysia Airlines reiterates that we will continue to give our full support in cooperating with the search and rescue mission which is coordinated by the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia ( DCA ) under the purview of the Ministry of Transport , Malaysia .