
  • 网络Maybank;Malayan Banking
  1. 根据马来西亚马来亚银行(Maybank)的数据,印尼人均方便面消费量从2001年起以年均5.2%的增速上涨,至2007年达到人均66包。2007年以后又以每年1.5%的速度下降,到去年降至人均61包。

    Annual per capita consumption of noodles in Indonesia rose by an average of 5.2 per cent from 2001 , to reach 66 packets a year in 2007 . Since then it has declined 1.5 per cent a year to 61 packets last year , according to Malaysia 's Maybank .

  2. 而蚂蚁金服则与马来西亚两大银行联昌国际银行和马来亚银行签署协议,以发掘马来西亚电子支付和金融服务领域的合作机会。

    While Ant Financial inked an agreement with Malaysia 's leading banks CIMB and Maybank to explore collaboration opportunities in e-payment and financing services in Malaysia .