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  • 网络tuttle;Swift-Tuttle;Tempel-Tuttle
  1. 谷歌当然拥有足够强大的人才实力来挑战这个问题,但是迄今还没人能完全破解,AI初创企业MindMeld的首席执行官蒂姆•塔特尔(TimTuttle)表示。该公司正在打造自己的对话式计算平台。

    Google certainly has the bench strength to make a dent in this problem but no one has cracked the code yet , said Tim Tuttle , chief executive of MindMeld , an AI start-up that is building its own platform for conversational computing .

  2. 在这些方面,谷歌具有优势,塔特尔表示。

    In these contexts , Google has an advantage , says Mr Tuttle .

  3. 狮子座流星是由坦普尔·塔特尔彗星释放的微小尘粒构成。

    The Leonids are minute dust particles shed by Comet Tempel-Tuttle .

  4. 塔特尔叉起手指抱着后脑勺。

    Tuttle laced his fingers behind his head .

  5. 在1632年之后的几百年间,塔特尔农场存在有其必然的理由。

    In1632 , and for many years after , the Tuttle farm was a necessity .

  6. 这场流星雨出现时,一个名为斯威夫特-塔特尔的彗星正经过近日点。

    This meteor shower happens when the earth 's orbit passes near the path of a comet called Swift-Tuttle .

  7. 加拉乔拉继续说:“这就是比尔•塔特尔去年的容貌,”:他的嗓音听起来因激动而显得紧张。

    " This is what Bill Tuttle looked like last year ," Garagiola continued , his voice taut with emotions .

  8. 其中历史最有悠久的莫过于“塔特尔农场”&它位于美国新罕布什尔州多佛市附近,也是美国历史最悠久的商业公司之一。

    The oldest is the Tuttle farm , near Dover , N.H. , which is also one of the oldest business enterprises in America .

  9. 塔特尔在他们网站的一封信中称“资源匮乏”是他们出售农场的原因。

    In a letter on their Web site , the Tuttles cite " exhaustion of resources " as the reason to sell the farm .

  10. 那时的塔特尔农场农场的土地上绿树环绕,郁郁葱葱,如今环绕它的是高速公路和房子了。

    The Tuttle acres , then , would have seemed almost as surrounded as they do in2010 , but by forest instead of highways and houses .

  11. 它的持有者-早期移民约翰。塔特尔的直系后代宣布农场破产歇业。

    It made the news last week because its owner a lineal descendant of John Tuttle , the original settler has decided to go out of business .

  12. 此时地球与坦普尔塔特尔彗星轨道相交,该彗星轨道的碎片进入地球的轨道,与大气层摩擦,最后燃烧蒸发,这样我们就看到了狮子座的流星雨。

    It occurs when Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Tempel-Tuttle , which , like all comets , litters its orbit with bits of debris . It 's when this comet debris enters Earth 's atmosphere , and vaporizes , that we see the Leonid meteor shower .