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  • 网络Rufus
  1. 鲁弗斯不是一个平常的姓。

    Rufus is an unusual cognomen .

  2. 出生在英国的设计师鲁弗斯•阿尔比马尔(RufusAlbemarle)宣称:只有T恤和马球衫可以是短袖。去年,他推出了手工缝制衬衫系列。

    Only T-shirts and polo shirts can have short sleeves , declares Rufus Albemarle , the British-born designer who last year launched a collection of hand-stitched shirts .

  3. 鲁弗斯从后面抓住他将他按到水中。

    Rufus grabbed him from behind to duck him under the surface .

  4. 鲁弗斯:没有,恐怕没人能去。

    Rufus : No , I 'm afraid there isn 't.

  5. 然而他没有料到鲁弗斯接下来的举动。

    However , he had reckoned without rufus .

  6. 鲁弗斯:告诉女人你喜欢她的着装不是说谎,而是自保。

    Rufus : Telling a woman you like her clothes isn 't lying . It 's self-preservation .

  7. 如果阿伯纳和他哥哥鲁弗斯在此,没有人会相信女孩深受压迫的情况。

    If Abner and his brother Rufus were here , no report of pressure on the girl could gain belief .

  8. 鲁弗斯有了新的同盟者,这个人的身份会让所有人大跌眼镜。同时她(或他)也会威胁到莉莉和她的家人,这使得莉莉和鲁弗斯的关系进一步恶化。

    Lily and Rufus turn on one another when Rufus makes a surprising new ally who threatens Lily and her family .

  9. 5.吊唁朋友的妻子亲爱的鲁弗斯:我刚刚得知你妻子去世的噩耗,深感悲痛,现提笔向你表达我们深切的哀悼之情。

    Dear Rufus , I have just known with deep regret of the death of your wife and I am writing to express our heartfelt sympathy .

  10. 比利认为,来到新环境首先要做的就是到四处看看,于是他朝鲁弗斯吹了声口哨,他们就踏上了探索之旅。

    Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on their agenda , so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure .

  11. 正在这时,一个穿绿靴子的男人迅速跑过来,同样挑衅地朝鲁弗斯大喊,要他离开这里。

    Just then , a man in green boot stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field .

  12. 他们发现了一条小路,鲁弗斯兴奋不已,摇着尾巴对主人示好;而比利也仍然处在仅仅欣赏自然美景就能兴奋不已的年纪。

    They found a small footpath , Rufus showing his excitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail . Billy was at an age when he could still fell a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature .