
  • 网络titan sports;Sports Weekly
  1. 据《体坛周报》网站消息,姚明在网上看到这则消息时,女友叶莉也在他身边。

    Yao told Titan sports newspaper 's Web site that he had read the story on another Web site with his basketball star girlfriend , Ye Li , by his side .

  2. 《体坛周报》是脱胎于湖南省体委机关报的一份体育报纸,但在创刊后比较短的时间从地方性小报发展为全国最大的体育报纸。

    Titan Sports was born out of a newspaper created by Hunan Sports Commission . However , it transformed from a small local tabloid to the largest sports newspaper in a short period of time .

  3. 从《体坛周报》看体育类报纸发展

    Viewing the Development of Sports Newspapers from ' Titan Sports '

  4. 体坛周报:中文版依据的是英文版还是意大利版?

    Titan : The Chinese version is based on the English version or Italian version ?

  5. 关于体坛周报2008年欧洲足球锦标赛新闻报道特点的研究

    On Sports Weekly in 2008 European Soccer Championship Study of the Characteristics of New Sport

  6. 《体坛周报》称要成为体育迷的精神家园。

    " Titan Weekly " is said to be the spiritual home of sports fans .

  7. 《体坛周报》的传媒特色,是一条通向平面媒体成熟模式的成功之路。

    The features of 《 Titan Sports Weekly 》, is A path leading to success which Print media mature .

  8. 《体坛周报》对姚明的报道以通讯为主,体裁多样,报道详细。

    Sports Forum Weekly mainly adopts communication for reports on Yao Ming with various types of literature and in details .

  9. 这也正是《体坛周报》宣称要成为体育迷的精神家园的终极追求。

    This is exactly the " Titan Weekly " of ultimate pursuit , which claims to be the spiritual home of sports fans .

  10. 体坛周报:当初我认为国米官网是全意大利最好的,因为只有他们有进球视频。

    Titan : First of all , I think Inter 's website is the best in Italy , only Inter they got the goal movies .

  11. 顾名思义,本文试图从北京奥运会期间《体坛周报》的策略、运作、模式等方面解读该报的奥运报道的特色。

    As the name implies , This article Attempt Interpretation the Features of this newspapers from Strategy 、 thread and Pattern at the Beijing Olympic Games .

  12. 《体坛周报》称,姚明和叶莉马上将到北京参加2008奥运会倒计时一周年庆祝会。

    The Titan Sports Newspaper reported Yao and his bride would be in Beijing to take part in festivities celebrating the one-year countdown to the opening of the2008 Beijing olympics .

  13. 在实证研究方面,对《体坛周报》、《足球》、《中国体育报》、《人民日报》等具有代表性的报纸的足球新闻进行了定量和案例分析。

    In the aspect of research of demonstration , quantitative analysis and case analysis to Titan Sport , Soccer , China Sports Daily , Renmin Daily are adopted in this thesis .

  14. 文章以《体坛周报》为个案,分析了平面媒体深度报道组合文体的三种表现形式,揭示了其深度报道多元化的编辑特征。

    The paper , by the analysis of the successful management of the depth report in " Titan Sports ", expects to provide a helpful reference for the plane media to exploit its advantages to .

  15. 第三部分是面对传媒环境的变化,《体坛周报》作出了一系列积极的尝试与探索,从跨媒体的立体联合到循序渐进多元化。

    Thirdly , in the face of the change of media environment , Titan Sports has carried out a series of experiments and explorations ranging from cross-media solid union to multi-dimensional advancing gradually in due order .

  16. 作为当前全国市场份额最大、影响范围最广、最受读者欢迎的体育报纸,《体坛周报》可以算作是业内的一朵奇葩。

    In the media industry , The 《 Titan Sports Weekly 》 is a wonderful flower who has the largest share of the market and the widest influence . It is also to be the most popular sports newspaper to the readers .