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  1. 无法打开或关闭弹入/弹出端口。

    Unable to open or close the inject / eject port .

  2. 球碰到地面又高高地弹入空中。

    The ball hit the ground and bounced high into the air .

  3. 跳跃运动通常利用能使表演者高高地弹入空中的跳板。

    Leaping is usually done with a springboard that catapults the performer high into the air .

  4. 该缺陷还可能造成安全气囊充气不足,使气体发生器弹入车内,增加事故受伤风险。

    The airbag could partially inflate and parts of the inflator could enter the vehicle interior , leading to " an increased risk of injury . "

  5. 他转身将烟灰弹入那硕大的大理石火炉里,火炉孤零零地竖在房间,没有围栏,也没有栏杆。

    He turned , and flipped the ash from his cigarette on to the great marble hearth-stone that lay bare to the rim , without fender or bar .

  6. 火箭助飞末制导深弹入水后,在下沉过程中,即可利用深弹头部安装的声学探测系统(声呐)接收水中运动目标的辐射噪声。

    After a terminal-guidance rocket-propelled depth charge sinks in water , it can receive the noise generated by moving targets using an underwater acoustic detection system installed at the head .

  7. 末端敏感弹的必要扫入值

    Necessary Sweep in Value of Terminal Activated Munition