
tán xìnɡ jí xiàn
  • elastic limit
  1. A越大,材料抗压强度fc与弹性极限应力的差值越大;

    The larger the A , the greater the difference between the compressive strength f c and elastic limit stress ;

  2. 通过应力-应变曲线计算了两种聚合物的拉伸模量,结果表明,POSS-PS的拉伸模量相对于PS得到了大幅提高,弹性极限也有显著增加。

    The tensile moduli of the polymers , calculated from the stress-strain curves , indicate that the modulus and the elastic limit of PS are both remarkably increased after cooperating with POSS units .

  3. 实验发现,随着样品厚度的增加,氧化铝陶瓷的Hugoniot弹性极限呈下降趋势。

    The Hugoniot Elastic Limit for different thickness alumina specimens were calculated from the experimental results . Hugoniot Elastic Limit decreased along with increase of the specimen thickness .

  4. 由2~纯铁和不锈钢的冲击压缩实验,确定了它们在HEL(雨贡纽弹性极限)点上的动力学屈服强度和弹性常数。

    The dynamic yield strength and elastic constants of 2 # armco-iron and stainless steel at HEL ( Hugoniot Elastic Limit ) Point were determined by using the shock compression technique .

  5. 利用一级轻气炮作为加载手段,对无钴合金钢的层裂特性进行了研究,获得了Hugoniot弹性极限、层裂强度、层裂片厚度以及塑性应变率等动力学参数。

    The spall properties of no-Co-alloy steel loaded by gas gun are studied , and Hugoniot elastic limit , spall strength , spall thickness and plastic strain rate are obtained from each experiment .

  6. 实验室的研究表明,GTD-450叶片钢在1010~1070℃淬火具有较高的强度性能,尤其是弹性极限;

    Experimental research shows that better strength , especial elastic strength can be obtained by quenching at1010 ~ 1070 ℃ for GTD-450 Blade Steel .

  7. 实验结果显示:Hugoniot弹性极限随着传播距离呈指数衰减,在所研究的样品厚度范围内,Hugoniot弹性极限减小了44%;

    The results show an apparent decay in the Hugoniot elastic limit with increasing propagation distance , as well as a stress relaxation behind the elastic wave front , and nearly 44 % loss of Hugoniot elastic limit was observed in the present sample thickness range .

  8. 超过弹性极限时,一切结构材料都显示出塑性。

    All structural materials behave plastically above their elastic range .

  9. 扭转变形是对钢丝的弹性极限等效应力情况影响最大的因素。

    Torsion deformation is the biggest effect factor on elastic limit equivalent stress .

  10. 桩核修复体弹性极限应力的实验研究

    Evaluation of Elastic Limit Stress of Different Post-Core Systems

  11. 陶瓷/金属功能梯度多层组合板的热弹性极限分析

    Thermal Elastic Limit Analysis of Layered Plates of Ceramic / Metal Functionally Graded Materials

  12. 当一种材料的应力超过弹性极限时,就会产生永久变形。

    E.When a material is stressed beyond the elastic limit a permanent deformation results .

  13. 腹板开洞工形截面拱的平面内弹性极限承载力研究

    Study on In-plane Elastic Ultimate Load-carrying Capacity of I-section Arches with Holes in Web

  14. 陶瓷热障涂层多层组合板的热弹性极限分析

    Limit Analysis for Thermal Elasticity of Composite Plate of Ceramic / metal Heat Barrier Coat

  15. 材料的弹性极限应力理论

    Elastic Limit Stress Theory for Materials

  16. 弹性极限的抗压强度地地弹道导弹武器系统攻防体系对抗

    Crushing strength at elastic limit The Conflict of Attack and Defence System Between TBM and ATBM

  17. 其目的是获得高的屈服强度,弹性极限和较高的韧性。

    The aim is to obtain a high yield strength , elastic limit and high toughness .

  18. 弹性极限的抗压强度竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究

    Crushing strength at elastic limit Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate

  19. 超过弹性极限的应力

    Stresses beyond the elastic limit

  20. 弹性极限的抗压强度

    Crushing strength at elastic limit

  21. 目的研究非贵金属铸造卡环的弹性极限及其相应卡抱力。

    Objective To investigate the elastic limit and relevant enclasp force of the non-precious metal casting clasp .

  22. 采用该材料制造的抗侧滚扭杆具有高的疲劳寿命和高的弹性极限。

    The side-rolling resistant torsion bar made of this steel exhibits high fatigue life span and elastic limit .

  23. 一种确定平面滑动型均质边坡安全系数的弹性极限平衡方法

    A New Method to Determine Safety Factor of Plane Sliding Uniform Slope Based on Elastic Limiting Equilibrium Theory

  24. 液压联轴器外套采用多层筒组合式外套可提高液压联轴器的弹性极限承载能力。

    Using multi-layer assembled out sleeve can increase the utmost load carrying capability of a hydraulic pressure sleeve coupling .

  25. 目的:比较不同桩核修复体经不同粘接剂粘固后的弹性极限应力。

    Objective : To compare the elastic limit stress of different post-core systems cemented with various cements in vitro .

  26. 超过弹性极限后,位错发生于小孔的应力集中处。

    Once the strain exceeded the elastic limit , the dislocations began at the stress concentration position of the hole ;

  27. 因此我们定义了一个实际存在的,弹性极限的近似值,称为残余变形屈服强度。

    By agreement , a practical approximation of the elastic limit , called the offset yield strength , is used .

  28. 定向凝固后的合金弹性极限提高了,且获得了对热加工有益的变形机制。

    After directionally solidified , the elastic limit were improved . The useful deformation mechanism is observed in directionally solidified alloy .

  29. 本文利用库仑屈服准则,研究了拉压异性材料厚壁圆筒和厚壁球壳的弹性极限载荷和塑性极限载荷,得出了新的结果和结论。

    Coulomb yield-law is used to determine elastic and plastic limiting load of thick cylinder and thick sphere in strength-differential material .

  30. 高速端铣刀刀体弹性极限转速的理论计算及其影响因素

    Theoretics calculate of the elasticity limited rotary speed of the high speed face milling cutter body and study its influence factors