
jūn zhuāng
  • military uniform;army uniform
军装 [jūn zhuāng]
  • [army uniform] 军队的制服

  • 使士兵穿黄卡叽军装

军装[jūn zhuāng]
  1. 军人要穿军装。

    Men in the armed forces should wear a military uniform .

  2. 轮椅上坐着的是一位身穿军装的男士。

    Sitting in the wheelchair was a gentleman dressed in a military uniform .

  3. 我在绿军装里套了两件毛线衫。

    I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket

  4. 她又小又弱,穿一身军装看起来很不协调。

    She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform

  5. 多数男孩子穿着自己父亲穿过的旧军装衬衫。

    Most of the boys wore hand-me-down military shirts from their fathers .

  6. 人行道上逛商店的人摩肩接踵,身着草绿色和海军蓝军装的军人比比皆是

    Shoppers thronged the sidewalks . Olivedrab and navy-blue uniforms abounded .

  7. 他穿上军装显得很威风。

    He looks majestic in uniform .

  8. 报纸漫画中常常出现穿着纳粹军装的安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)。

    Newspaper cartoons frequently depict Angela Merkel in a Nazi uniform .

  9. 把礼服大衣竖着的领子翻下来就形成了W型的领口,反过来礼服大衣又来源于陆军和海军的军装。

    The suit 's W-collar seems to have developed from turning down the stand-up collar of a frock coat , which in turn derived from army and naval wear .

  10. 美国军需部(QuartermasterCorps)的一个小组向24个城市的约1.5个军队展示了多套军装;

    A team from the Quartermaster Corps proposed army uniforms to about 15000 troops in 24 cities ;

  11. 菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)的褶皱是极简主义,并受到军装风格影响。

    Pleats came minimalist and military-inflected at Salvatore Ferragamo .

  12. 最可能拥有圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)毛边军装外衣的人最不可能在自家橡树上系着黄丝带。

    The person most likely to own a fur-trimmed Saint Laurent army coat is most unlikely to have a yellow ribbon tied around her oak tree .

  13. 目击者称,身穿军装的持枪分子袭击了前省长,总统助手JanMohammadKhan的家。

    Eyewitnesses say gunmen dressed in military uniforms attacked the home of Jan Mohammad Khan , a former provincial governor and key presidential aide .

  14. 最理想的颜色是曾被美国军装委员会(ArmyUniformBoard)批准的“44号军绿色”,不过各种颜色和剪裁都传达着同一个意思——把军事元素注入美国服装语汇里。

    The ideal color - the one approved by the Army Uniform Board - is " Army Green Shade 44 , " but a variety of hues and cuts speak in the same idiom , likewise breathing military jargon into the general American vocabulary of dress .

  15. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  16. 例如,可以去看看burberry的黑色无毛貂皮军装大衣,以及brioni用南美栗鼠皮镶边的羊绒短外套(不过,3万美元的建议零售价可不算便宜)。

    See , for example , the black shaved mink trenchcoat from Burberry and chinchilla-lined cashmere top coat from Brioni ( not exactly a snip at $ 30000 suggested retail price ) .

  17. 主审法官林德上校(Col.DeniseLind)宣布判决结果时,曼宁身穿军装,面无表情的站在那里。这一判决意味着这名前情报分析员可能会在监狱中再呆上至少八年才可能被释放。

    Wearing his Army dress uniform , Pfc. Manning stood impassively as the presiding judge , Col. Denise Lind , delivered a sentence that means the former intelligence analyst will likely spend at least eight more years behind bars before he could be freed .

  18. 与此相反,以制作精美西服著称的奥斯华宝顿(ozwaldboateng)则说,“虽说我内心完全希望王子穿西服参加大婚,但我也完全理解他着军装的现实需要”。

    By contrast , Ozwald Boateng , who is know for particularly dapper suits , says , " though I would have loved him to wear a suit , I completely understand his need to wear military attire " .

  19. 现在我看到军装都要吐。

    Just seeing a uniform these days makes me wanna puke .

  20. 我怀疑这些军装是从阵亡的士兵身上脱下来的。

    I guess the uniforms were taken from our dead soldiers .

  21. 穿上军装的时候,就不再是你老子的儿子!

    To wear uniforms , when I no longer your son !

  22. 今冬巴黎时装展的主题是军装风格。

    The theme is military at this winlet 's Paris collections .

  23. 旧军装不也就失去其意义了吗?

    Would not the old uniform lose something of its significance ?

  24. 穿着军装没有武器,没人能说我们是游击队员。

    In uniform without weapons nobody can say we are partisans .

  25. 我们现在可以回家,脱下军装。

    Now we can go home , take off our uniforms .

  26. 另外他们为什么都穿上那些暧昧的军装?

    And why are they wearing all those vaguely military jackets ?

  27. 那位穿军装的人恐怕就是团长了。

    The man in the army uniform will be the regiment commander .

  28. 二战德军装甲部队的军装,没有镶边。

    For unmounted units , the WWII German Panzer two piece uniform .

  29. 每一个身着军装的人都让我们的国家自豪。

    Every person who puts on the uniform makes our nation proud .

  30. 提出了军装元素在现代服装中的运用趋势。

    The usage trend of troop element in modern clothing is given .