
  • 网络protectorate;sponsorship;safeguarded relationship
  1. 这个小国不愿意当欧洲保护关系下的政治孤儿。

    This small country do not want to is a political orphan under a european protectorate .

  2. GATT第20条(b)款和(g)款被认为是GATT中与环境保护关系最为密切的条款,与第20条引言一起被称为环境保护例外条款。

    Article 20 ( b ) and ( g ) of GATT is considered as the closest clause to the environmental protection , they are called the exception clauses of environmental protection together with the chapeau of article 20 .

  3. 云南经济建设与环境保护关系的探讨

    Approch to Relationship between Economical Construction and Environmental Protection in Yunnan

  4. 欠发达地区的经济可持续发展与环境保护关系问题的探讨

    Discussion on Relationship between Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection in Undeveloped Area

  5. 钢轨电位限制装置与框架保护关系的分析

    Relation between Rail Over-voltage Protection Device and Frame Protection

  6. 在这些成绩背后我们都会发现保护关系的存在,并且发挥着重要的作用。

    Behind these achievements , patronage always existed and played an important role .

  7. 太原市水土保持与水资源系统保护关系探讨

    Research of the Relation Between Soil Conservation and Water Resources System Prevention in Taiyuan

  8. 因此,如何保护关系数据库的版权,成为亟待解决的问题。

    Under such circumstances , how to protect copyright of database becomes a serious problem .

  9. 耕地保护关系到我国的粮食安全、经济发展和社会稳定。

    Cultivated land protection is related to food security , economic development and social stability of China .

  10. 保护关系在古代社会普遍存在,对古代社会的政治、经济等方面都发挥着重要的影响。

    Patronage is very common in ancient society and plays an important role in political and economic aspects .

  11. 以创新思路做好移民工作,正确处理水电建设与生态环境保护关系。

    Immigration problem and the relationship between hydroelectricity construction and ecological environment protection shall be disposed correctly through innovating thinking .

  12. 空间发展模式表现了某一区域在一定时间范围内采取的主要发展方向以及处理经济发展与环境保护关系的方式。

    The Spatial Development showed the main development orientation and relationship between the economy development and environment protect of a region .

  13. 保护关系的发展与当时罗马社会中的许多因素都有关系,但是图拉真本人对保护关系的主观态度是这些因素中比较重要的一点。

    The development of patronage related to many factors in Roman society . But one important reason was the attitude of Trajan .

  14. 在各种市场竞争中,商业秘密的有效保护关系到企业的长远发展。

    In the various market competition , The effective protection of trade secret is relation with the long-term development of an enterprise .

  15. 中小投资者权益的保护关系到证券市场的生存和发展。

    Whether the benefits of small and medium-sized investors are protected or not is concerned with the existence and development of securities market .

  16. 劳动关系之中应该包括劳动合同关系、企业内部行政管理关系以及劳动者权益保护关系。

    It includes labor contract relation , interior administration relation of corporations , and labourer 's rights protect relation in the labor relation .

  17. 砂仁高产与环境保护关系密切,有利于提高当地村民参与自然保护的自觉性。

    The high Amomum production closely related to environment conservation is helpful to promote the participation of indigenous people in the nature conservation .

  18. 城镇化发展与耕地保护关系研究农田林网内风倒棉株空间格局的研究

    Urbanization and protection of farmland a study on the spacial patterns of cotton lodging under the protection of farmland windbreak network against tropical storm

  19. 雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎弱毒株免疫种鹅抗体消长规律及其与后代雏鹅被动免疫保护关系的研究

    Studies on the Rule of the Rise and Fall of Antibodies Against Gosling New Type Viral Enteritis and Relationship with Goslings Passive Immune Protection

  20. 环境问题与人类的生存、发展息息相关,环境保护关系着人类的共同利益。

    Environment problem has closely relationship with the survival and development of human being . Environment protection is concerning to the comment benefit of human being .

  21. 借鉴德国法上统一保护关系的学说,研究建立民法上统一保护义务的必要性和可行性。

    In view of the doctrine of unity protection relationship in German law , the necessity and feasibility of the unity in civil law are explored .

  22. 农村环境保护关系到广大农民的切身利益,关系到国家可持续发展。

    Rural environmental protection concerns the interests of vast majority of peasants , the welfare of people of the whole country , and the state sustainable development .

  23. 本文通过对文献资源共享与知识产权保护关系的论述,着重强调利用电子文献资源时如数据库、计算机软件等,注意保护其电子版权不受侵犯。

    Through discussion on the relationship between document resource and intellectual property protection , the author emphasizes protecting electronic copyright of electronic resource from it is used .

  24. 简要论述了信息安全的相对性,安全风险评估与适度保护关系,安全保护的目标。

    The relativity of information safety , the relationship between safety nsk evaluation and proper protection , and the goal of safety protection are discussed in this article .

  25. 本部分首先分析了目前我国关于劳动力市场灵活化与劳动者权益保护关系的争论。

    In this section , current controversy of the relationship between labor market flexibility and the protection of laborers ' rights and interests in our country is analyzed .

  26. 在分析经济增长和环境保护关系、寻求环境质量和经济增长之间的演进规律方面,环境库兹涅茨曲线提供了一种有力工具。

    Environmental Kuznets curve is a powerful tool on the analysis of the relationship between economic growth and environmental protection and seeking the evolution of rules in between the environmental quality and economic growth .

  27. 本文观点的提出,力图一方面填补了国内环境法制建设的空白,另一方面也为协调发展国际贸易和环境保护关系实现可持续发展总目标略尽绵力。

    The goal of his paper is to promote the development of the international trade of our country on the one hand , on the other hand offer strong legal guarantee for environmental protection .

  28. 本文的重点是对图拉真统治时期所存在的各种保护关系进行说明,进而揭示保护关系对图拉真统治时期的政治、法律和经济等方面所产生的影响。

    The focal point of this paper is to illustrate all kinds of patronages during the reign of Trajan , and reveal the political , legal and economic effects caused by it in this period .

  29. 商标,尤其是驰名商标已经绝不是一个可有可无的标记,在一个高度竞争的世界里,对它合理的保护关系到一个企业乃至一个民族的生存和发展。

    Trademark , in particular famous mark , is a sign of great importance . In a world full of competition , the trademark protection concerns the existence and development of an enterprise or even of a nation .

  30. 作为一种特殊的区别和表彰的符号,商标绝不是一种可有可无的标记,在一个高度竞争的世界里,对商标的合理保护关系到一个企业乃至整个民族经济的发展。

    As a special symbol of distinction and recognition , the trademark is not only a dispensable mark . How to protect it rationally is related with the existence and development of an enterprise even a nation in a highly competitive world .