
xìng jiào yù
  • sex education;sexual education
性教育[xìng jiào yù]
  1. 人们还希望性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。

    Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS .

  2. 性教育在学校是个热议话题。

    Sex education in schools was the buzz topic .

  3. 没有合理的性教育,各种各样奇怪荒诞的说法都会有人相信。

    Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root .

  4. 他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。

    They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education .

  5. 性教育对某些家长而言是个敏感领域,因此应该保持其非强制性。

    Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents , and thus it should remain optional .

  6. 儿童慈善机构Barnardo的贾维·德汗说:"在英国,新的适龄义务关系和性教育课程应该有助于培养儿童应对社交媒体日益增长的需求,这一点至关重要。"

    Javed Khan , of children 's charity Barnardo 's , said : " It 's vital that new compulsory age-appropriate relationship and sex education lessons in England should help equip children to deal with the growing demands of social media ."

  7. GPS完善性增强研究性教育内容不够完善;

    Research of GPS Integrity Augmentation the sex education content is inadequate ;

  8. RTM开发刍议论发展性教育

    The preliminary discussion on developing of RTM process

  9. 教育这一公益性事业也不例外,国家的财政性教育经费支出要占到GDP的4%,已然成为政府工作目标。

    Education of one public welfare is not exceptional also , state financial education expenditure should be accounted for4 % of GDP , has become a government work target .

  10. 对于有关性教育,最想知道的内容为性病与AIDS的预防、安全性行为、性生理知识等。

    As to the sex related knowledge , most of the subjects wanted to know about the prevention of venereal diseases and AIDS , safe sex behavior , sex physiology and others .

  11. 教育投入在省际存在重大差异,特别是财政性教育经费占GDP比重,最高省份是最低省份的3.7倍多。

    Educational investment has great difference between pro-vinces , especially the percentage of education funds in GDP proportion . The maximum proportion in province is more than 3.7 times that of the minimum province .

  12. 第一章通过对女中学生进行问卷调查和访谈,对农村女中学生青春期性教育的现状与问题进行分析,应用SPSS软件推理并得出了一些结论。

    The first chapter analyzes the current status and the problems in adolescent sex education of girls in secondary schools , uses SPSS software to conduct and draw some conclusions , based on questionnaire survey and interviews to secondary school girls .

  13. 现在有大量证据表明综合性性教育的方法会降低少年的怀孕机率,并不增加性行为的可能性,根据Kohler的研究。

    There is now a body of evidence showing that the comprehensive approach may cut the odds of teen pregnancy , without increasing the likelihood of teens having sex , according to Kohler .

  14. 对比较教育中的依附问题的反思穿越依附性教育实践

    Reflections on Dependency in Comparative Education Go Beyond Dependent Educational Practice

  15. 中学学生主体性教育研究教育学视野中的学术规范

    On the Subjectivity of Middle School Student : An Educational Perspective

  16. 性教育应该融在素质教育整体中进行

    Sex education should be fused into quality-centered education as a whole

  17. 区域性教育信息平台框架研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Framework of Regional Educational Information Platform

  18. 大学生性教育实效性的总体评价

    General evaluation of practical results of sex education in college students

  19. 关于实践性教育环节中强化育人工作的探讨

    Discussion About Quality Education of Undergraduates in the Practice Stage

  20. 对高职生实施主体性教育的课堂教学设计

    Classroom instructional design for vocational college students under quality education

  21. 大学生们渴望从学校得到正规的性教育等。

    College students expect normal sex education from schools , etc.

  22. ·结合乡土地理尝试体验性教育。

    We had better try education through practice by combining local geography .

  23. 大学生性观念及性教育的思考

    Consideration on Sex Sense and Sex Education Among University Students

  24. 人格教育是性教育的唯一正确途径

    Character Education Is the Only Proper Approach for Sex Education

  25. 黑龙江省学校性教育的困境分析与推行策略

    Predicament analysis and executing strategies of school sex education in heilongjiang province

  26. 在大学中设置性教育必修课的探讨

    Discussion on construction of required course on sexual education for college students

  27. 先秦原创性教育思想研究

    On the creativity of educational thoughts of the pre-Qin dynasty

  28. 预防医学硕士研究生创新性教育模式的思考

    Deep consideration on innovative education model of preventive medicine postgraduate

  29. 性教育有助预防艾滋病及其它性病的传播;

    Sexual education helps to prevent AIDs and other sexual transmitted diseases .

  30. 学校是性教育的主要承担者;

    The school is the main undertaker of sexual education ;