
  • 网络the Enlightenment;Enlightenment Thought;enlightment
  1. 彼得大帝,一个受启蒙思想影响的人物,从那里派出科学考察队搜寻亚洲和美洲之间的海峡。1741年,维图斯白令(VitusBering)发现阿拉斯加。

    From there Peter the Great , an Enlightenment man , sent expeditions of scientific inquiry to search for a strait between Asia and America , and in1741 Vitus Bering found Alaska .

  2. 论鲁迅立人启蒙思想的发展

    The Development of Lu Xun 's Enlightenment Thought of Erecting People

  3. 其中一个版本“软件架构师之道(TheTaooftheSoftwareArchitect)”提供了有关敏捷性概念的启蒙思想。

    One version ," The Tao of the Software Architect ," offers enlightening thoughts about the concept of agility .

  4. 这样解读康德,康德启蒙思想也就永远能够为思想史提供动力。

    So the thought of Kant will give power to every time .

  5. 黄宗羲社会启蒙思想概论

    An Introduction to Huang Zhong-xi 's Enlightening Thoughts of Society

  6. 约瑟夫·德·梅斯特反启蒙思想中的野蛮与文明

    Barbarism and Civilization in Joseph De Maistre 's Counter-Enlightenment Thoughts

  7. 现代启蒙思想的关键就是个体的自由。

    Enlightenment is the key to the modern individual freedom .

  8. 梁启超文学启蒙思想初探

    A Brief Discussion on Liang Qichao 's Literary Enlightenment Thoughts

  9. 中国古代没有代表市民阶级的启蒙思想

    No Enlightenment Representative of the Citizen Class in Ancient China

  10. 魏禧社会启蒙思想初探

    A Tentative Study on Weixi 's Thought of Social Enlightenment

  11. 唐甄启蒙思想探析分析化学计量学

    An Analytical Study of TANG Zhen 's Enlightening Thought

  12. 他提出的天赋平等、个性解放等思想,开启了中国启蒙思想的先河。

    He put forward ideas such as equal natural endowments and personality liberation .

  13. 论马克思主义中国化进程中对启蒙思想的扬弃

    The Abandonment of Enlightenment during the Process of Marxism 's Adoption in China

  14. 李贽的启蒙思想和西欧人文主义之比较

    The Comparison of Enlightening Thought of Li Zhi with Humanism in Western Europe

  15. 法国启蒙思想与新文化运动

    French Enlightenment Ideology and Chinese New Cultural Movement

  16. 林白水的社会启蒙思想探略

    Lin Baishui 's social enlightenment and conceptual strategies

  17. 梁启超启蒙思想的历史价值

    Historic Value of LIANG Qi-chao 's Enlightenment Thought

  18. 康有为与福泽谕吉的启蒙思想比较

    Comparisons between the Ideology of ' Enlightenment ' as Seen by Youwei-Kang and Yukichi-Fukuzawa

  19. 理性是启蒙思想的核心。

    Reason was the core of the Enlightenment .

  20. 另一方面,法国启蒙思想运动又使得国家和民族的观念得到强化。

    In another development , the enlightenment in France intensified the national and ethnic conceptions .

  21. 启蒙思想在人类历史发展中占有非常重要的地位。

    The enlightenment thought occupies a very important position in the development of human history .

  22. 西方现代文化的传入是中国社会现代意识产生的原因,就中国现代文学而言,其现代性主要表现在两个方面:启蒙思想与审美主义。

    The occurrence of Chinese modern social consciousness resulted from the introduction of modern Western culture .

  23. 其争论的焦点问题有:其一,面对中国现代启蒙思想传统,是建构还是解构?

    The 1st question of their argument is that how to regard modern Chinese enlightenment tradition .

  24. 梁启超与鲁迅启蒙思想结局因路比较

    The Comparison of the Outcome Reasons for Liang Qi-chao and Lu Xun 's Enlightenment Ideological Thought

  25. 阿拜的文化启蒙思想充满现代意识,产生了广泛深刻的影响。

    His cultural enlightenment thinking is full of modern mentality and has exerted influence widely and profoundly .

  26. 政治经济学的批判性理论起点浅谈马克思对斯密和李嘉图的批判论清初三大思想家对李贽的批判兼谈早期启蒙思想问题

    Critical Political Economy Theory of the Starting Point & On Marx 's Criticism of Smith and Ricardo

  27. 严复对启蒙思想的宣传是在对中国传统文化的批判中完成的。

    Yan Fu completed the propaganda of the Enlightenment Thought while criticizing the traditional culture of China .

  28. 分别从宗教、理性、自由等概念入手对启蒙思想进行诠释。

    Separately from religion , rational , and freedom of enlightenment ideas of the concept of interpretation .

  29. 在法国,浪漫主义和启蒙思想相结合,成为政治斗争的产物。

    In France , it was collided with the Enlightenment thoughts and became the results of political struggle .

  30. 论十八世纪启蒙思想中科学精神与人文精神的关系

    On the Relationship between the Scientific Ethos and the Humanism of the Enlightenment Thought in the 18th Century