
  • 网络Library work;library operation
  1. 现代图书馆工作体系的发展模式研究

    A New Development Model in the Modern Library Operation System

  2. 用户信息在图书馆工作中的应用

    Application of User Information in Library Operation

  3. 图书馆工作人员花许多时间将书分类。

    Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books .

  4. Fool-Proof法在图书馆工作中的应用浅探

    The application of fool - proof method in the library

  5. 论文结合高校图书馆工作实践,探讨了电子阅览室开展VOD服务的必要性,并对VOD服务对象,技术手段的选择以及VOD系统的维护进行了介绍。

    Based on the practice in the university libraries , this article discusses the necessity to develop the VOD service in electron reading room , and introduced the client of the VOD service , the choice of technical methods and the repair of the VOD system .

  6. 阐述了国际标准书号&ISBN号的基本概念及其组成,并且进一步分析了它在图书馆工作中的一些具体应用,针对ISBN号在应用中存在问题,提出了一些解决的办法。

    This paper expounds the basic concepts and components of international standard book number ( ISBN ), analyzes on its concrete application in the library work , and in the light of the problems existing in application of ISBN , advances some solving methods .

  7. 对高校合并后图书馆工作的思考

    Thought on Library Work for the Mergence of Colleges and Universities

  8. 性格和气质对图书馆工作的影响

    On the Influence of the Character and Temperament on Library Work

  9. 读者权利的保护是图书馆工作的职责。

    A duty of the librarian is to protect reader right .

  10. 从现代文献的特点看图书馆工作

    Library work in the view of the characteristics of modern documents

  11. 现代信息技术条件下学校图书馆工作的策略效应

    Strategic Effect of School Library Work under the Modern Information Technique Condition

  12. 用科学发展观引领公共图书馆工作

    Guiding the Public Library with the Scientific Conception of Development

  13. 对知识经济时代图书馆工作的若干思考

    Suggestions on Library Work at the Age of Knowledge Economy

  14. 人本思想在医院图书馆工作的应用

    The Application of Humanism Thoughts at the Hospital Library Work

  15. 学分制下高校图书馆工作的新举措

    The New Actions of University Library under the Point System

  16. 知识管理及其对图书馆工作的启示

    Knowledge Management and its Inspiration to the Library Work

  17. 编目是图书馆工作中一项重要的基础工作。

    Cataloging is one of the fundamental components of the professional library work .

  18. 我是在科学图书馆工作时和我的丈夫结识。

    I met my husband while I was working in a science library .

  19. 加强小城镇图书馆工作促进城乡建设

    Strengthen the Work of Town Library to Promote the Construction of the Country

  20. 图书馆工作中的非对称信息分析

    An Analysis on the Asymmetrical information in library work

  21. 图书馆工作的实质:知识的收集、组织与服务

    The Essence of Library Cause : The Collection , Organization and Service of Knowledge

  22. 浅谈隐性知识与图书馆工作

    On the Tacit Knowledge and Work in Library

  23. 论图书馆工作环境文化建设

    The Culture Construction of Working Environment in Library

  24. 服务是图书馆工作的宗旨和核心。

    Service is the soul in library work .

  25. 他重视图书馆工作人员培训,强调开展学术研究。

    He also put emphasis on the training of library professionals and academic researches .

  26. 图书馆工作人员的继续教育

    Further Education for Library Staff on working

  27. 数字时代图书馆工作中读者角色的变化

    On the Changes of the Reader Role in the Library Work in the Digital Age

  28. 构建图书馆工作创新机制的若干思考&试论图书馆的组织文化建设

    Some thoughts about establishing the innovation mechanism of library work-On the library organization culture construction

  29. 服务·垄断·监督&兼论高校中图书馆工作委员会的核心职能

    Service · Monopoly · Regulation & The Key Function of the Library Committee in the University

  30. 论图书馆工作诊断

    On the Diagnosis of Library Work