
qǐ shì
  • enlightenment;inspiration;revelation;teaching;reveal;echo
启示 [qǐ shì]
  • [enlightenment;inspiration] 启发开导,使有所领会

  • 看了这本书使她得到了启示

启示[qǐ shì]
  1. 也许他得到了某种神的启示。

    Some sacred inspiration perhaps had come to him .

  2. 这场“卫星游戏”中的一些“专业的业余爱好者”可以为我们提供一些如何负责任地继续推进这一趋势的启示。

    Some " expert amateurs " in the satellite game could provide some inspiration for how to proceed responsibly .

  3. 整个体系都建立在《圣经》的神圣启示的基础之上。

    The whole system was based on divine revelation in the Scriptures .

  4. 耶稣基督的启示就是上帝热爱世人。

    Christ 's message was that God loved the world .

  5. 这部电影启示我们珍惜每天的生活。

    The movie tells us to treasure every day .

  6. 请安静,神灵将用敲击声给你们以启示。

    Keep silent , and the spirits will rap out a message for you .

  7. “既然老天爷给了启示,聪明人是决不含糊的。”

    " when Heaven gives a sign , a wise man does not quibble . "

  8. 琼斯-克列诺研究给予了我们方法上的启示,那就是经济福利是多维度的。

    Methodologically , the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional .

  9. 主说明了启示录中第一个象徵的语言。

    The Lord introduces the first symbolical language in Revelation .

  10. 那些关于善良,关于慷慨,关于希望和积极心态的启示似乎总会从她每天的生活中自由的流溢出来

    Lessons on kindness , generosity , hope , and good cheer seemed to flow freely from her daily life .

  11. 听上去可能像是一个深刻的哲学问题,但是科学家最近发布的一项研究结果也许能对这一问题的答案带来一些启示。

    That might sound like a deeply philosophical1 question , but scientists may have shed some more light on the answer with the results of a recently released study .

  12. 威斯康星大学的罗扎林·安德森博士和蒂莫西·罗兹博士称,这一“史无前例的”研究带来了“关于人类新陈代谢的重大启示”。

    Drs Rozalyn Anderson and Timothy Rhoads , from the University of Wisconsin , said the " unprecedented " study had already led to " important new insights into human metabolism " .

  13. 国内外GIS课程内容的对比与启示

    A Comparative Research on GIS Curriculum System and Structure at Home and Abroad

  14. 韩国经济结构变化与CO2排放关系及启示

    The Relationship between Economic Structural Change and Carbon Dioxide Emission of Republic of Korea Experiences and Its Enlightenment

  15. 科学技术学:能够做什么;应该做什么&国外TPM研究给我们的启示

    Science and Technology Studies What Can It Do and What Should It Do & Enlightened by TPM Studies Overseas

  16. ATF发动机研制计划及几点启示

    ATF Engine Developing Plan and Several Lessons

  17. 医专新生UPI问卷调查启示

    Enlighten form Investigation of UPI in Medical Freshmen

  18. 企业成本管理创新研究&DA公司实施ABCM的启示

    Research on Innovation of Cost Management in Enterprise & Apocalypses of Implementing ABCM in DA Corporation

  19. ODES理念和4R标准&多尔后现代课程观的一种解读及其对我国新课程改革的启示

    ODES Idea and " 4R " Course Standard & An Explanation of the Postmodern Curriculum by Doll and Enlightenment for Our New Curriculum Reform

  20. 对比韩国强制实施WIPI标准的成功经验,可以给我们提供许多有益的启示。

    Compared with the South Korean successful experiences in mandatory implementation of WIPI criterion , this case could provide us some useful enlightenments .

  21. 分析不同时期ASLA评奖标准的嬗变,阐述其对美国风景园林发展所起的积极作用,为转型发展中的中国风景园林带来启示和借鉴。

    Three different trends in setting the criteria of ASLA Awards in different times are introduced first and then their active influences are analyzed to find out the reasons for its success in order to provide inspiration and reference for the development of Chinese landscape architecture .

  22. 美国消费者满意指数:原理、方法与启示

    American Consumer Satisfaction Index : The Principles , Methodology and Implications

  23. 进而探讨它给现代花卉画创作的启示意义。

    Then discusses it to modern flower paintings creation enlightenment meaning .

  24. 美国金融危机与大萧条:比较与启示

    American Financial Crisis and the Great Depression & Comparison and Inspiration

  25. 批判与超越:新公共服务理论及其启示

    Criticism and Transcendence : New Public Service Theory and Its Inspiration

  26. 韩国企业集团广告公司的发展及其启示

    The Development and Apocalypse of Korean In - house Advertising Agency

  27. 新巴塞尔协议对保险企业操作风险管理的启示

    The Effect Basel ⅱ on Operational Risk Management in Insurance Companies

  28. 新型生育文化对解决老年人口问题的启示

    New Child-bearing Culture and the Solution of the Population Aging Problems

  29. 儿童阅读障碍神经科学研究对早期教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Neuroscience Research on Children 's Dyslexia to Early Education

  30. 台湾中小企业发展经验与启示

    Development of medium-and small-sized enterprises in Taiwan : experiences and revelations