
pínɡ shěn
  • review;assess;examine and appraise
评审 [píng shěn]
  • [examine and comment] 评议审查

  • 评审各类工艺美术品

  1. 四是做好QC小组成果的评审和发布工作。

    And ( 4 ) working hard to assess and release the results of QC groups .

  2. 对于顾客有特殊要求的订货合同,企业应严格进行合同评审,并针对特殊合同制订相应的质量计划,以确保满足顾客的要求。

    Enterprises should assess the special order contract and work out a quality project to satisfy the customer .

  3. 学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。

    Following this critique , students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation

  4. 她没有听取评审的工作建议。

    She did not take the judge 's advice about how to do her job

  5. 比赛和评审时间:上午10:00-下午6:00。

    Competition and judges'review 10 : 00 A . M .— 6 : 00PM .

  6. 演出及纪录片委员会评审

    Performance and documentary committee preview

  7. 例如:五位教授匿名评审了这名博士生的学位论文。

    Five professors made anonymous assessment4 of the PhD candidate ’ s dissertation5 .

  8. 这份发布在预印本平台MedRxiv上的报告是几位研究人员和科学家的合作成果,尚未经过同行评审或发表在期刊上。

    The report , posted on the preprint server MedRxiv , is a collaboration of several researchers and scientists . It has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal .

  9. 山西省120台医用CT机应用质量检测与评审

    Review of Image Quality Produced by Medical CT Machines in Shanxi Province

  10. 对于类,指定标准的Java代码评审类别

    For the class , specify the standard Java code review category

  11. Java代码评审扩展点

    Java code review extension points

  12. 贸易政策评审机制是WTO的重要组成部分,它对中国具有重要的意义。

    The trade policy review mechanism is a very important part of WTO . It is significant to China .

  13. 评审者将会完成决定一般性错误(bug)的工作。

    Reviewers will do the work of determining your common mistakes .

  14. 当工作台出现时,将Java源代码导入其中,从而对代码进行评审。

    When the workbench appears , import some Java source code into it so that there is some code to review .

  15. 基于DEA算法的科研评审排序方法与应用

    The method and approach to sequencing for research projects based on DEA principle

  16. 使用RUP评审记录辅助开发案例

    Using a RUP Review Record to complement a Development Case

  17. 运用Audit评审对车身覆盖件表面质量进行了定量的评定,可以在生产中有效地控制其表面质量。

    Surface quality of auto body panel is assessed quantitatively by Audit assessment and surface quality can be controlled effectively in manufacturing . 3 .

  18. 国防科研项目评审模型研究及其DSS设计

    Evaluation Model Research and Its Decision Support System Design for National Defence Scientific Research Project

  19. 以UML进行建模开发一个符合CORBA规范的分布式科学基金评审系统。

    A peel review system for scientific funds in accordance with CORBA standard has been developed based on UML modeling .

  20. 有了正确的工具,评审员就可以记录错误(bug),并在必要时与代码开发者进行讨论了。

    With the right tool , reviewers can log bugs and discuss them with the author as necessary .

  21. 完善QC活动成果定量评审初探

    Perfect The Achievement Quantitative Assessment Of QC Practice

  22. 关于ISO9000标准中设计评审的思考

    The Thinking for Design Audit of ISO9000

  23. 本文可对C ̄3I系统工程总体技术设计可行性论证,以及系统验收评审提供参考。

    The paper gives a reference to technical design of C  ̄ 3I system engineering and the system accept - ance and appraisement .

  24. 在证券分析方法的实际应用中,本文设计了一个基于轻量级J2EE架构的分析应用系统,提供了一个具有分析方法服务调用、分析结果查询导出以及进行专家评审等功能的网络应用平台。

    It provides service calls of data analysis method , inquiry function of the analysis result and expert evaluation function by network application platform .

  25. 本文理论与实际相结合,将目前最新理论研究成果应用到实际当中,以VC和Delphi为开发工具、SqlServer为数据库开发了一个网上项目评审系统。

    The paper combined the theory with practice , using the developing tools such as VC , Delphi and SQL Server Database constructed a project censor system .

  26. 今年的金马奖颁奖典礼将于11月23日在台北举行,奥斯卡获奖导演李安(AngLee)是评审之一。

    This year 's ceremony will be held in Taipei on Nov. 23 , with Oscar-winning director Ang Lee heading the jury .

  27. 随着我国加入WTO和建设工程工程量清单计价规范的的推行,经评审的最低投标价法在我国建设工程招投标中将得到进一步的推广和应用。

    With China entering into the WTO and carrying out of bill of quantities , the method of the lowest bidding price subjected to appraise will be put into application further .

  28. 每个人都可以评审裁剪的项目。材料评审可以在开始RUP迭代之前的一个组会上进行。

    Everyone can review the tailored material can be reviewed in a team meeting prior to the start of a RUP iteration .

  29. 利用计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)技术,开发一个面向虚拟产品设计的专家协同评审系统;

    The importance of developing an evaluation system collaborated by experts for virtual product design using CSCW technology is discussed .

  30. 本文的第二章从基于BP神经网络的电子评标方法、标底保密技术、评审专家随机选取技术和身份认证技术几个方面对招投标系统的相关技术进行了简单的分析和介绍。

    The second part introduced the key technology such as electronic evaluation method based on BP neural network , baseprice security technology , evaluation experts randomly selected technology and identity authentication technology .