
  • 网络resource investigation;resource inventory;Resources surveys;survey
  1. GPS和GIS在草地资源调查中的应用

    Application of GPS and GIS on Grassland Resource Investigation

  2. 高精度差分GPS技术在海洋资源调查中的应用

    The application and Discussion on high accuracy differential GPS in marine resource investigation

  3. 基于GIS的福建省红树林资源调查管理支持系统

    The support system of mangrove resource investigation and management on the basis of GIS in Fujian Province

  4. 基于RS、GIS的森林资源调查

    Forest Resources Investigation Based on RS and GIS

  5. 利用GIS与GPS技术进行农牧业资源调查已成为近年来的发展趋势。

    GIS and GPS have been used in the investigation of agriculture and animal husbandry resources in recent years .

  6. TM影像在热带林林地资源调查中的应用

    Utilization of LANDSAT TM Image on Survey of Tropical Forest Land Resources

  7. 广义3S技术在林业资源调查与管理上的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in a Broad Sense in Administration and Investigation Forestry Resources

  8. 为了国土资源调查和防洪防灾,在长江中游建立了大地形变GPS监测网,以监测水患区的构造沉降。

    In order to investigate land resources and prevent flood and disaster , a GPS geotectonic deformation-monitoring network was established to monitor the tectonic subsidence of the flooded area in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River .

  9. 本文探讨了在VB可视化环境下应用面向对象程序设计方法、事件驱动编程机制,开发陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统本系统的基本思想和技术路线。

    This paper discussed the basic thought and technology route of applying object-oriented program design method , event-run mechanism , and develope management information system of wild animal resource by Microsoft Visual Basic language .

  10. 深入讨论了GIS在农业资源调查与管理、农业区划、农业土地适宜性评价、农业生态环境研究、农业灾害预防、农作物估产及精确农业等方面的应用现状。

    The present situation of GIS application in agriculture , including agricultural resource research and management , cropland regionalization , assessment of land suitability , agro-environment investigation , prediction of plant diseases , estimation of crop yield and precision agriculture were reviewed .

  11. 说明利用这种航天遥感资料,辅以Landsat影像生物量指标、DTM和坡度、坡向数据以及计算机自动分类技术,进行资源调查是可行的,可以达到最佳效果。

    It shows us that it is flexible to use this kind of remote sensing dato for resources investigation , and one can get the optimum effects by employing Landsat MSS biomass index . DTM image , stope and its orientation data .

  12. 温盐深仪(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth,简称CTD)是一种海洋探测仪器,广泛应用于海洋科学考察、海洋资源调查开发、海洋环境监测以及海洋军事科学等领域。

    The conductivity , temperature and depth instruments ( CTD ), which are ocean monitoring sensors have been extensively used in fields of oceanographic survey , ocean resources investigation and development , ocean environment monitoring and military oceanography .

  13. 我国南方松外生菌根资源调查

    Floristic survey of ectomycorrhizal fungi for the southern pine in China

  14. 方法:资源调查和鉴定。

    Method : Resource survey and various identification were carried out .

  15. 资源调查数据处理和信息管理系统构建原则

    Forest Inventory Data Processing and Application of the Information Management System

  16. 云南野生贸易真菌资源调查及研究

    Resources investigation and studies on the wild commercial fungi in Yunnan

  17. 安徽潜山野生植物资源调查研究及开发利用

    Investigation and Exploitation of the Wild Plant Resources in Qianshan Anhui

  18. 西北地区林业文献资源调查及综合分析

    Investigation and comprehensive analysis of forestry document resources in Northwest China

  19. 山东省国土资源调查研究重点

    Survey and Study Direction of Land and Resources in Shandong Province

  20. 宁夏野生花卉及观赏树木资源调查及利用

    Investigation on Wild Flower and Plant Resources in Ningxia , China

  21. 丽水乡土木本观赏植物资源调查及利用

    Survey and utilization of native woody ornamental plant resources in Lishui

  22. 九龙山野生植物资源调查及其利用评价

    Investigation of Wild Plant Resources in Jiulongshan and their Utilization Appraisal

  23. 云南高山花卉种质资源调查

    Investigation of Alpine Wild Ornamental Plants Germplasm Resources in Yunnan Province

  24. 地理信息系统在国土资源调查中的应用

    The application of geographical information system in surveying land and resources

  25. 甘南药用植物种质资源调查及开发利用

    The Medicinal Plant Resource and Development and Usage of Gannan Region

  26. 安徽省野生食用菌、药用菌资源调查

    The resources of the wild edible and medical fungi from Anhui

  27. 浑河源地区野生动物资源调查研究

    Survey on wild animal resource in headstream regions of Hunhe River

  28. 海南岛鸟类资源调查的初步结果

    The preliminary results on survey of avian resources on Hainan Island

  29. 方城县药用植物资源调查初报

    Preliminary report on the medicinal plant resource in Fangcheng county

  30. 福建沿海湿地鸻鹬类资源调查

    Waders and its Conservation Strategy in the Coastal Wetlands of Fujian Province