
  • 网络asset merger;asset acquisition
  1. 中国石油企业作为国家重要的资源战略实施企业,在立足本土的基础上,通过资产并购、购买资源等现金交易诸多方式加大了投资海外市场的力度和速度。

    Chinese oil companies as a strategy for the implementation of important national resource enterprises , based on local basis , through asset acquisition , purchase of resources , and cash transactions are many ways to invest in overseas markets to increase the power and speed .

  2. 资产并购过程中资产的持续经营及其范围限定;

    The continuous business and defining of scope during the process of asset amalgamation ;

  3. 外国公司在华资产并购法律制度研究

    A Study on the Legal System of Merger and Acquisition on Asset by Foreign Companies in China

  4. 外国投资者通过资产并购的方式收购境内企业,风险是非常小的。

    There is little risk for a foreign investor to carry out takeover hereof by means of Asset M & A.

  5. 按照中国法律的相关规定,外国投资者可以以两种方式并购境内企业,一种是股权并购,一种是资产并购。

    There are two ways for foreign investor to take over domestic enterprise in China , one is called Equity M A , another is called Asset M A.

  6. 据不完全统计,在我国高新技术企业资产并购与重组活动中,有近一半的资产并购行为证明是失败的。

    According to incomplete statistics , there are nearly half of the assets of merger and acquisition behavior is failed in the activity of it for high-tech enterprises .

  7. 日本对外直接投资采取了多种不同的方式,在国外直接创办子公司、在海外资产并购等都是日本企业对外直接投资的选择。

    The foreign direct investment of Japan adopted a variety of different ways , in foreign direct subsidiaries , founded in overseas mergers and acquisitions of assets are the foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises to choose .

  8. 其特征包括资产并购涉及的资产性质、被收购公司股东享有的权利、并购完成后被收购公司的法人资格,以及资产并购所受到的法律调整。

    Its features including the nature of assets to acquisition , the rights of the shareholders of the target company , legal personality of target company after completing the asset acquisition , and the law which can adjust asset acquisitions .

  9. 但彭高年补充说:“交易活动可能推迟,但许多企业在战略上都有迫切的理由进行资产并购,它们正等待估值趋稳、市场波动减弱后再采取行动。”

    However , Mr Banfield added : " deal activity might be delayed but many companies have compelling strategic reasons to merge or acquire assets and are waiting for valuations to stabilise and markets to become less volatile before acting . "

  10. 外汇储备将为东方对西方资产的并购筹措资金。

    Foreign currency reserves will finance the Eastern acquisition of Western assets .

  11. 外资资产式并购过程中中小股东及债权人利益的保护等。我们意欲通过对以上几个问题的分析,结合我国在企业并购法律实践中的问题,找出完善中国外资资产式并购法律制度的途径。

    Interest protection of the middle and small stockholders and creditor during the process of the asset amalgamation of foreign capital .

  12. 中国的外汇储备将支持它的企业对海外生产,品牌和渠道资产的并购以获得更高的利润。

    Chinese currency reserves will support its enterprises to acquire bargain production , brand and distribution assets abroad for higher profit margins .

  13. 外资资产式并购过程中资产上隐性债务负担及企业整体出售时的债务负担;

    The hidden debt burden during the process of asset amalgamation and the debt burden during the process of whole sale of enterprises ;

  14. 企业规模扩张曾经是多元化热潮中提高收益的主要方式,资产的并购与重组则成为了扩大效益的重要途径。

    Diversification of the enterprise scale expansion boom has become the main way to improve earnings , asset restructuring and mergers and acquisitions as an important way to increase efficiency .

  15. 因此,在外资资产式并购过程很多的法律问题都需要根进一步的研究,以便为国家在这一方面的立法作理论准备。

    So , a lot of legal questions during the process of the asset amalgamation of foreign capital need to a further research , so as to lay solid theory foundation for the relevant legislation .

  16. 一般企业非经营性固定资产的并购重组主要有两种方式:一是将非经营性固定资产全部纳入并购重组范围;

    The ordinary enterprises ' non operational fixed asset 's mergers acquisitions and reorganizations mainly have two ways to choose : One is to treat all the non operational fixed assets by mergers acquired and reorgainzed ;

  17. 重组侧重于资产关系,并购侧重于股权关系。

    Re-capitalization focuses on the relationship of assets while mergers and acquisitions focus on that of equities .

  18. 以知识产权为代表的无形资产在公司并购的运作中起着重要作用,并逐渐成为实现公司竞争战略的目的。

    Intellectual property , as a representation of intangible assets performs more important function during M & A and even becomes the main purpose of competition strategy .

  19. 本文研究了以资产收购为主的并购事件中,并购类型与并购方式对收购方企业绩效的影响,以期为企业与政府提供参考意见。

    This paper studies the effect of merger type and acquisition mode in the merger of assets .

  20. 此前几宗移动电话公司并购案,监管机构都要求合并企业在某些当地市场卖掉无线频谱、网络基础设施及其他资产,以获准并购。

    In several previous mergers between mobile-phone companies regulators have required the merging businesses to sell wireless spectrum , network infrastructure and other assets in some local markets to win their approval .

  21. 第二部分介绍了企业并购中遇到的品牌问题,并着重介绍了品牌资产的评估对并购后品牌策略的影响、品牌延伸、品牌区隔与协同、品牌再定位等;

    Part two introduces the brand problem , especially how the evaluation of the brand assets influences brand strategy , the brand stretch , the brand alternation and cooperation , the brand reorientation of the enterprise , etc.

  22. 获取国际勘探生产区块或项目的途径很多,包括与资源国直接谈判、参与区块招标、受让项目、收购勘探区块、收购产量、收购全部项目、资产交换以及公司并购等。

    There are a number of ways to obtain international exploration and production blocks , including direct negotiation with resource nations , involvement in bidding for blocks , acceptance and transfer of projects , acquisition of exploration blocks and full project control , exchange of assets , and corporate mergers .