
  1. 关于民族资产阶级和开明绅士问题

    On the question of the national bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry

  2. 中间分子及其他分子占三分之一,他们代表中等资产阶级和开明绅士。

    And the remaining one-third to the middle and other elements , representing the middle bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry .

  3. (七)给中间派以三分之一的位置,目的在于争取中等资产阶级和开明绅士。

    Our aim in allocating one-third of the places to the intermediate sections is to win over the middle bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry .

  4. 目前更严重的是忽视争取中等资产阶级和开明绅士的左的倾向。

    At the moment the " Left " tendency of neglecting to win over the middle bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry is the more serious danger .

  5. 取中间势力,就是争取中等资产阶级,争取开明绅士,争取地方实力派。

    Winning over the middle forces means winning over the middle bourgeoisie , the enlightened gentry and the regional power groups .

  6. 这里包括工人、农民、城市小资产阶级、民族资产阶级、开明绅士、其他爱国分子、少数民族和海外华侨在内。

    These strata include the workers , peasants , urban petty bourgeoisie , national bourgeoisie , enlightened gentry , other patriotic elements , the minority nationalities and overseas chinese .