
  • 网络GCT-ME;qualifying exam;Qualification;qualify examination
  1. 她的目标是成为一名金融分析师。在就遇害的前两天她才通过资格考试。

    Her goal was to become a financial analyst and she just finished her qualifying exam two days before the explosion .

  2. 通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会工作者。

    Following qualification , he worked as a social worker .

  3. 露西希望学医,但是需要通过更多的资格考试。

    Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications .

  4. 我们的国家普通职业资格考试的通过率为90%。

    We have a 90 cent pass rate for GNVQs .

  5. 如果你一直都是拿B的,那么,你还是有机会通过进一步增强你的承诺责任感,在资格考试上打一个漂亮仗。

    If you have been getting B 's , you still have the opportunity to step up your level of commitment and give a strong performance on the prelims .

  6. 我的两个学生刚完成他们的专业资格考试工程(majorqualifyingproject,MQP),WPI的毕业要求。

    Two of my students just completed their major qualifying project ( MQP ), a graduation requirement at WPI .

  7. 多分类有序反应变量Logistic回归及其在国家医师资格考试研究中的应用数据挖掘中多分类有序变量间距差异分析及应用

    Polytomous Logistic Regression for Ordinal Response and Its Appliance The Analysis and Its Application for the Differences Between Categories of the Ordinal Data in Data Mining

  8. 这个项目也可以帮助你准备专业考试,包括特许金融分析师(CFA)资格考试。

    This program can also help to prepare you for professional exams , including the Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA ) qualification .

  9. CAT在美国已有比较广泛的使用,美国ETS举办的GRE和TOEFL都采用CAT方式,医生与护士资格考试也有CAT。

    CAT has been used abroad in America . GRE and TOEFL held by ETS adopt CAT , and CAT is adopted in qualification testing for doctors and nurses .

  10. 从两者的匹配关系看,全国会计专业技术资格考试辅导教材《财务管理》一书中的经营现金净流量(NCF)计量公式有欠妥当。

    From their relationship , the author found that the calculating formula of net cash flow ( NCF ) in the book named Financial Management for national accounting qualification test is inappropriate .

  11. 近十年前,加利福尼亚州怀有一腔抱负的年轻律师安娜·阿拉布尔达(AnnaAlaburda)以在班上名列前茅的成绩毕业,并通过了州律师资格考试,开始要利用自己花了大约15万美元换来的法律学位。

    Nearly a decade has passed since an aspiring young lawyer in California , Anna Alaburda , graduated in the top tier of her class , passed the state bar exam and set out to use the law degree she had spent about $ 150000 to acquire .

  12. 国家医师资格考试评估试点工作的实践与思考

    Reflection on experimental assessment of the national licensed doctor qualified examination

  13. 2003年上海地区中医医师资格考试病史书写考试分析

    Grade analysis to case history writing of Chinese Medical Qualification Examination

  14. 韩国的法学教育及律师资格考试改革

    The Reforms of Legal Education and Bar Examination in South Korea

  15. 中国临床医师资格考试实证效度的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Empirical Validity of Physician Qualification Examination

  16. 我国卫生专业技术资格考试体系研究

    On China 's Examination System for Qualification Test of Medical Professionals

  17. 对美国博士生资格考试制度的分析与借鉴

    Some Remarks on the Qualification Examination for Doctors in American Education

  18. 你是说我的资格考试吗?

    LL : That 's right-Quals is short for qualifying examinations .

  19. 考博士需通过一个资格考试。

    A doctoral candidate is required to pass a qualifying examination .

  20. 第二部分:医师资格考试的理论依据。

    Part II : The theoretical base of physician qualification examination .

  21. 中医医师资格考试工作改革与发展的思考

    Considerations on reforming and developing the work of Chinese Medical Qualification Examination

  22. 浅析我院医师资格考试

    Analysis of the test of physician qualification in our hospital

  23. 关于高职教育与国家统一职业技术资格考试接轨的思考

    On Connection of Higher Vocational Education and National Vocational Technology Qualification Test

  24. 试论职业资格考试对教育供求的调节

    On the Adjustment of Educational Need-and-supply by way of Professional Qualification Tests

  25. 国家医师资格考试上海考区临床实践技能考试的评价研究

    Evaluation of the clinical examination for national licensing of doctors in Shanghai

  26. 空气潜水监督培训与资格考试探讨

    The discussion on the training and certified examination of Air Diving Supervisor

  27. 防火监督检查岗位资格考试浅析

    Discussion on the qualification examination for fire supervision and inspection

  28. 现行导游资格考试制度存在的问题及思考

    Problems Existed in Current Guide Qualification Examination System and Suggestions

  29. 我的父亲资格考试不及格&因为我把自己女儿的生日都忘记了。

    I flunked the parent test-I forgot my own daughter 's birthday !

  30. 我通过了高中毕业的资格考试。

    I passed the qualification examination for high school graduation .