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  • round robin;round-robin
  1. 探讨了n支球队在同一块场地上进行单循环赛时赛程安排的公平性问题。

    The fair game schedule for single round robin with n teams on the same playground is discussed .

  2. 行向变换排列法在循环赛中的应用

    The Application of Horizontal Variance Arrangement Algorithm in the Round Robin

  3. 他们在日本名古屋的最后一场循环赛中以4比1战胜英格兰队。

    They beat England 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan .

  4. 我们怎么也想不到,他在第一循环赛里就被淘汰了。

    Contrary to our expectations , he was eliminated in the first round .

  5. 2t名运动员的循环赛和对集的划分

    2t Players Round-robin Tournament and Duplet Sets Partitions

  6. 单循环赛赛程安排几个参数的极值

    The Extreme Values of Some Parameters About the Single Circle Match

  7. 嘿,我有三个婚礼和一个高尔夫循环赛。

    Hey . I got three weddings and a golf tournament .

  8. 在这次循环赛中,这位运动员由于受伤而弃权。

    The player defaulted in the tournament because of her injury .

  9. 单循环赛赛程安排公平性问题的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Arranging the Game Schedule for Single Round Robin

  10. 放弃循环赛重新采用了淘汰制。

    It went back to a knock out format with no round-robin .

  11. 循环赛中倒轮次编排方法的研究

    Study of converse rounds scheduling method in round robin

  12. 单循环赛赛程安排的一个图论方法

    A Way of Graph Theory of the Competitive Procedure Arrangement for Single Cyclic Match

  13. 对集的划分与循环赛的安排

    Partition of Duplet Sets and Round Robin Arrangement

  14. 分治法在循环赛日程表设计中的应用

    Division Round-robin Schedule in the Application of Design

  15. 他们在为循环赛做准备。

    They are practicing for the tournament .

  16. 球类竞赛奇数队循环赛编排方法改革探讨

    Research and Reform on Arrangements of Round Robin of Odd Number Teams of Ball Games

  17. 本届全市中学队锦标赛将进行循环赛。

    The tournament will be a round robin for all the high school teams in the city .

  18. 你想赢得这个系列赛的循环赛对全速专业行吗?

    You want to win this series of round robin tournaments against the Full Tilt Professional line up ?

  19. 篮球运动员训练比赛的受伤和防受伤问题的探讨在这次循环赛中,这位运动员由於受伤而弃权。

    Discuss Basketball Athletes Being Injured and Prevent Being Injured During Competitions and Training ; The player default in the tournament because of her injury .

  20. 挪威队的时尚装扮并未影响他们的比赛状态。本周一,挪威队以9比2的比分战胜法国队,在共有十国参加的小组循环赛中位列第二。

    Norway 's fashion sense hasn 't affected their form with Monday's9-2 win over France putting them second in the table in the10-nation round-robin group .

  21. 在长达一年的主客场双循环赛过后,小组的前两名将会直接入围俄罗斯世界杯,而第三名则将会和A小组的第三名进行附加赛。

    After the one-year-long round-robin home-and-away competitions , the top two finishers will advance to Russia directly and the third finisher will have playoff with its counterpart in Group A.

  22. 研究认为:对8个队以单循环赛的秩序地进行编排时,采用三次分组,能使比赛在不延长赛程,不增加场次的情况下,更加公平。

    The writer of this article believes that it can be more fair to divide the 8 teams for three times without the addition of time and number of games .

  23. 实验结果表明该方法可以保持传统循环赛一对一方法的高分类精度,而分类时间只需要一对一方法的50%左右。

    Experimental results show that it can keep the high accuracy of " round robin " one-against-one ( OAO ) method , but only needs about 50 % test time of OAO .

  24. 1992年,欧洲冠军杯在半决赛中引入了分组循环赛,比赛也因此而改称为欧洲冠军联赛,但人们仍习惯将其称为欧洲冠军杯。

    The semi-final round-robin group was introduced in the European Champions League in 1992 , and the game was renamed as the UEFA Champions League , nevertheless , people are still used to call the European Champions League .

  25. 文章提出了倒轮次编排方法,可以同时解决循环赛轮次编排中的多种需求问题,满足不同项目赛会制循环赛的轮次编排需要;

    This article puts forward " converse rounds scheduling method " which can simultaneously resolve many demand questions of rounds scheduling in round robin and fulfills demand of rounds scheduling of conference tournaments round robin in various sports .

  26. 艾琳:为什么主办方会取消循环小组赛?

    Irene : Why did the organizers get rid of the round-robin rounds ?

  27. 少用与乱用互为因果,循环相生。行向变换排列法在循环赛中的应用

    And the infrequent and indiscriminate use of the Chinese language also forms a vicious circle . The Application of Horizontal Variance Arrangement Algorithm in the Round Robin