
  1. 童装消费群体的识辨及营销策略

    Identification of children 's wear consumers and strategy to promote sales

  2. 谈普通高校音乐教育中的识谱教学

    On the Teaching of Music Reading in Music Education for general College

  3. 浅谈普通高校音乐选修课的识谱教学

    On Teaching Music Reading in the Elective Course of Music

  4. 盲、聋人的识谎与说谎研究

    Experimental Study of Telling and Detecting Lies of the Blind and Deaf

  5. 土木工程英语教学中的识词、练句

    Word-Mastering and Sentences Practicing in English Teaching of Civil Engineering

  6. 钢琴弹奏中正确的识谱方法

    Correct Ways to Read the Notes in Piano Performance

  7. 自动换刀数控机床的识刀装置

    A Tool Recognition Device for NC Machines with ATC

  8. 在同一基体上不同的识解操作说明语法范畴是有意义的。

    Different construals on the same base illustrate that grammatical categories are meaningful .

  9. 具体义的识解依赖于两种选择:客观选择和主动选择。

    The construal of specification depends on an objective choice and an objective .

  10. 企业财务风险的识辨与规避

    On the Ways to Discriminate and Avoid Financial Risks

  11. 但是一个训练有素的识谎者能够大老远就认出一个假笑。

    But a trained liespotter can spot a fake smile a mile away .

  12. 论体育教师的识、能、艺、德

    On the Knowledge , Capabilities , Teaching Methods and Professional Ethics of P.E. Teachers

  13. 这个理论通过对词语概念的识解操作来分析英语习语变体。

    This theory analyzes English idiom variations through the construal operations of word concepts .

  14. 论古汉语同义词的识同

    On How to Distinguish Ancient Chinese Synonyms

  15. 因果连词的识解与言语场景的介入&以because为例

    The Construal of Causal Connectives in Terms of Ground Involvement in the Case of because

  16. 话语中的识解因素与语境

    Construal factors and context in discourse

  17. 汽车传感器的识、讲、检三步教学法

    Three-step Instruction of Automotive Sensor

  18. 翻译中的识解运作

    Construal Operations in Translation

  19. 诗歌语篇的识解与翻译

    Poetry Construal & Translation

  20. 特别地,统计中的识图和作图成绩远远低于计算的成绩。

    In particular , the statistics of knowledge maps and mapping results far below the calculated results . 2 .

  21. 本研究意在以整合理论梳理幽默短信的识解过程,从而论证整合理论的适用性、普遍性。

    In the thesis , the aim is to use the conceptual blending theory to reorganize the process of construal of humorous short message service , and to demonstrate the applicability and universality of conceptual blending theory .

  22. 她构建了一个缜密的智识框架来解构各种类型的电影。

    She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film .

  23. 在此基础上,对MIT的通识教育课程设置作了详尽分析。

    Then the course set-up of general education in MIT is analysised in detail .

  24. 此外,MIT的通识教育重视写作教育和学生口头表达能力培养。

    Besides , MIT is aware of the importance of training students'writing and presentation capability .

  25. 实验表明,MAP算法可以有效地降低汉语数码语音识别对被适应人的误识率,而且对非自适应人性能影响很小。

    The experiment shows that the MAP algorithm can considerably reduce the error rate of Mandarin digital speech recognition on the adapted speaker and cause little influence on the non-adapted speakers .

  26. 提出过筛连通法并结合运用BP神经网络技术,解决了读数图像缺陷字符和相似字符的误识问题。

    The problems of reading defect characters of images and misrecognition of similar characters can be solved by a kind of sifting-connection algorithm and the application of BP neural network technique .

  27. 这部由DavidBoreanaz和EmilyDeschanel主演的《识骨寻踪》一直是FOX电视网过去几年播出的剧集中最强的一支。

    Starring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel , Bones has been one of FOX 's strongest dramas over the past several years .

  28. 针对一类双分量区间删失模型,讨论了Weibull分布参数最大似然估计的可识性,证明了该估计具有强相合性及渐近正态性。

    A two-component model with Weibull distribution and interval-censored data is considered . Under a general condition , the maximum likelihood estimators are identifiable , strong consistent and asymptotic normal .

  29. 该模型的错识率较之最好的基于DTW结构的混合城模型的错识率降低50%以上,计算复杂度则是固定帧长模型的13.12%。

    The error recognition rate is less than half of that the best mixed model 's with DTW structure . It takes only 13.12 percent of time to fulfill the computation compared with that of the fixed - length frame model .

  30. 机床结构传递函数在线识别的可辨识性

    Identifiability of On-line Identification of Transfer Function of Machine Tool Structures