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dí dí
  • clear;distinct
的的 [de dí]
  • (1) [obvious;as clear as day]∶明白,昭著

  • (2) [certainly;indeed]∶副词。的确;实在

  • 吾牺牲百死而不辞,而使汝担忧,的的非吾所忍。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  1. 水族馆里有一些很有趣的罕见的热带鱼。

    The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish .

  2. 这封信是写给这所房子的住户的。

    The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house .

  3. 他们有一份愿意夜间工作的人的名单。

    They keep a list of people willing to work nights .

  4. 她最后同意用药结束这头可怜的动物的生命。

    She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down .

  5. 别动——你会弄乱我的文件的。

    Don 't do that ─ you 're muddling my papers .

  6. 他声音里含有一种烦人的扬扬得意的口气。

    There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice .

  7. 她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?

    Can she take the heat of this level of competition ?

  8. 这次竞赛将是对你的技能的最大考验。

    This race will be the ultimate test of your skill .

  9. 这座城堡建在一个天然的绿草如茵的小丘上。

    The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound .

  10. 这是我所遇到的最好的事。

    It 's the best thing that has ever happened to me .

  11. 她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。

    She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients .

  12. 他们向敌军所在的大致的方向开了枪。

    They fired in the general direction of the enemy .

  13. 警察受到在等待的人群的嘲弄。

    The police were jeered at by the waiting crowd .

  14. 周末休息正是我所需要的养精蓄锐的机会。

    The weekend break was just the tonic I needed .

  15. 我们对他们的论点的正确性有过怀疑。

    We had doubts about the validity of their argument .

  16. 他和最要好的朋友的妻子走了。

    He went off with his best friend 's wife .

  17. 这篇文章是以他惯常的洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。

    The piece is written in his usual expansive style .

  18. 他让孩子们接受花钱能买到的最好的教育。

    He gave his children the best education that money can buy .

  19. 你会很快习惯这儿的气候的。

    You 'll soon get used to the climate here .

  20. 他偏到了一辆迎面驶来的汽车的行车路线上。

    He strayed into the path of an oncoming car .

  21. 这是我们所取得的前所未有的最好成绩。

    It 's the best result we 've ever had , bar none .

  22. 通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。

    The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest .

  23. 这是我们的方案的详细成本计算。

    Here is a detailed costing of our proposals .

  24. 他一直想要一个有妻子和孩子的真正的家庭。

    He had always wanted a real home with a wife and children .

  25. 她摒弃了写小说惯用的平铺直叙的写法。

    She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel .

  26. 由当地居民组成的强大的代表团在那里阻止通过这项提案。

    A strong contingent of local residents were there to block the proposal .

  27. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  28. 波罗的海的鱼类资源逐渐减少。

    Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline .

  29. 那是我钓到的最大的狗鱼。

    It was the biggest pike I ever hooked .

  30. 这个奖项是对她多年全心全意工作的恰如其分的褒奖。

    The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work .