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  1. 乔安妮站着,两手放在水槽上,眼睛定定地望着窗外。

    Joanne stood with her hands on the sink , staring out the window

  2. 她定定地看了很久,直到她睡着了。

    She stared at it for so long that she fell asleep .

  3. 他定定地看着我,斟酌片刻,终于说“好”,答应了下来,“实际上送行的旺季也快过去了。

    ` Well , 'he said at length , ` the seeing-off season is practically over .

  4. 希德睁开眼,看见汤姆正准备上床睡觉,他定定地盯着汤姆湿漉漉的衣服看。

    Sid opened his eyes and saw Tom , ready for bed , looking at his wet clothes .

  5. 这段独白结束以后,他转向马吕斯,定定地望着他说

    This monologue concluded , he turned to Marius , and demanded , gazing at him intently the while

  6. 凯特琳没听见罗柏的脚步声,但抬头就发现他站在过道里,定定地看着她。

    Catelyn had not heard him enter , but there he stood in the doorway , looking at her .

  7. 卓戈卡奥仍旧双腿盘坐,定定地望着她,用眼睛享受她的躯体。

    Khal Drogo sat with his legs crossed , looking at her , drinking in her body with his eyes .

  8. 在她黯淡的眼睛中有一股绝望的神情,我寻思自己以前在哪儿见过它。她也定定地看着我。

    There was a hopeless look in her dull eye and I wondered where Id seen her before.Then she looked straight at me .

  9. 说到这里,她停住了,她那阴惨无神的眼睛定定地望着马吕斯,继又忽然大笑,用一种包含着被一切兽行憋在心头的一切辛酸苦楚的语调说道

    Here she paused , fixed her dull eyes on Marius , and burst out laughing , saying , with an intonation which contained every form of anguish , stifled by every form of cynicism

  10. GPS自主定姿定轨技术在新一代大型静止轨道卫星上的应用

    Application of GPS Based Autonomous Attitude and Orbit Determination Technique in the Next Generation of GEO Satellites

  11. GPS技术是航天工程中具有发展前途的关键技术,是卫星自主定姿定轨高效经济的方法。

    GPS technique is a emerging key technique of the space engineering . It is high effective and economic .

  12. HVDC非仿射非线性系统的定电流定电压控制

    Non-affine , nonlinear controller for HVDC systems for constant DC currents and DC voltages

  13. 涤纶定长定重DTY的生产

    The production of polyester DTY with fixed length and weight

  14. 新一代大型静止轨道卫星(即地球同步轨道静止卫星)上采用GPS自主定姿定轨技术能使卫星定姿定轨技术上一个新台阶。

    The application of GPS based autonomous attitude and orbit determination technique in the next generation of GEO satellites will bring the satellite attitude and orbit determination technique to a new level .

  15. DTY定长定重产品的开发

    The development of DTY with appointed length and weight

  16. 300MW机组定滑定运行方式经济性分析

    Economic Analysis of Fixed-Slide-Fixed Pressure Operation Mode of 300 MW Units

  17. DTY机定长定重控制与管理系统的建立

    The Set Up of a Controlling and Managing System for DTY Machine with Fixed Length and Weight

  18. 对DTY定长定重产品的生产原理和影响因素作了系统分析。

    This article expatiates the principle of producing DTY with appointed length and weight and also analyzes the influence factors .

  19. 针对许多原DTY机无定长定重装置的情况,在DTY机上加装定长定重落筒系统,并应用于涤纶长丝生产中。

    Aiming at the doffing system with fixed length and weight was added in DTY machines , and applied it to the polyester filament production .

  20. GPS测量姿态不仅成本低、精度较高、没有误差累积和视场的盲点,还具有定轨定姿一体化等优势而日益成为导航领域研究的热点。

    Measuring attitude by GPS is not only low cost , high accuracy , no error accumulation and blind spots of field , but also it can determine satellite orbit and attitude , so it is increasingly becoming a hot area of research in the navigation .

  21. 可视化的发电厂保护整定及定值管理系统

    The visual relay setting calculation and management system for power plant

  22. 定电压定电流高速率蓄电池充电器

    Voltage and Current Stabilized Battery Charger with Optimization of Charging Rate

  23. 定长定重涤纶加弹丝生产的设备管理

    The equipment management ror production of constant length and weight polyester DTY

  24. 一种卫星天文自主定轨定姿方法研究

    A method of celestial autonomous orbit determination and attitude determination for satellite

  25. 基于图像处理的钢坯定尺定重智能切割系统

    A limited length and limited weight intelligent cutting system based on image processing

  26. 定船定舱等发运工作;

    Shipment and other related work .

  27. 太阳出来了,他成功地给自己的罗盘定了定方位,虽然他知道自己已经迷路了。

    The sun came out , and he succeeded in locating the points of the compass , though he knew now that he was lost .

  28. 吉他我可以弹但也绝对要有钢琴再垫上吉他懂了就这么定了定了

    I 'll give you strings , but we definitely need piano.Fill in the guitars underneath.Got it . I love it . Done . Done .

  29. 有定无定在汉语中是一个纷繁复杂的世界,其制约因素与机制并不十分清楚。

    Definiteness is a rather complicated semantic category in the Chinese language , in which its conditioning factors and mechanism are not quite clear yet .

  30. 利用定体积定长度时的矩形共振腔模型,从理论上探讨了腔体纵横比对共振腔共振频率的影响。

    The paper stated the theory of rectangular resonator model of certain volume and length , and discussed the influence of aspect ratio of resonator section .