
  1. 概念的问题起到定分止争的作用,是一个相当重要的问题。

    Clearing the concept involves to resolve the dispute . It is a very important issue .

  2. 在我国运用现有的法规对新闻事业与肖像权的平衡很难做到定分止争。

    Use of existing laws and judicial interpretations balance difficult to achieve given the only contention on press freedom and the right of reputation in China .

  3. 通过法律的制度构建来明确资源的所有及使用的途径,从而区分所有、定分止争。

    Through the construction of legal system to clarify the ownership and the channel of usage , so that the ownership can be distinguished and the disputes can be eliminated .

  4. 如果不能在理论上和实践上解决这些问题,势必影响物权法的实施效果,其定分止争的功能将被削弱。

    If these problems can not be resolved in theory and practice , it will influence the implementing effects of property law , and weaken the function of stopping disputes .

  5. 司法的基本功能是定分止争,司法过程实际就是法官解释法律和适用法律的过程,司法活动有其自身的特点。

    The basic function of judicature is settlement of disputes . The judicial process is but the process of judges interpreting and applying laws . Therefore , judicature has its own features .

  6. 作为人类社会最为古老也最为常见的对物的支配形态,占有自其诞生就负担着维护财产关系、定分止争的功能。

    As human society is the most common of the most ancient of things dominate form , has since its birth is the burden , and set the property relationship maintenance function for the points .

  7. 取得时效制度具有确定财产权属、定分止争等十分重要的制度功能,因而在维护社会秩序、调节社会关系等方面发挥着不能替代的作用。

    To obtain a prescription system for determining ownership of property , will only fight so very important sub-system function , and in the regulation of social relations , maintenance of social order play the role of other systems can not replace .

  8. 法官自由裁量权作为一项制度事实,它的功能可以概括为有助于克服法律的局限性、促进定分止争、促进法律发展、沟通普遍正义与个体正义。

    The functions of judicial discretion , as a reality of system , can be concluded as overcoming the limitation of laws , settling legal disputes , promoting the development of legislation , and striking the balance between general justice and individual justice .