
dí què liáng
  • dacron;terylene;dacron,terylene
的确良 [dí què liáng]
  • [dacron,terylene] 见涤纶

的确良[dí què liáng]
  1. 那件混纺的确良衬衣花了我九块钱。

    That mixed dacron shirt cost me nine yuan .

  2. 吸引人们到地下深处去的,也许是寻求幽静的愿望,也许是对意外发现的期求。要对洞穴探险者的确良动机作出满意的解释,是不可能的。

    It is impossible to give a satisfactory explanation for a potholder 's motives .

  3. 若遇沙灰墙、隔墙,还要满贴玻璃丝布或的确良布;

    Case sand Huiqiang , walls , but also with full glass Sibu or Dacron fabrics ;

  4. 奥运会临近,越来越多的确良参与体育运动了。

    With the Olympic Games coming , more and more people take part in sports items .

  5. 也许是由于太瘦,他上身穿着的那件普通的白的确良衬衫总给人一种空荡荡的感觉。

    May be due to too thin , his upper body wearing that piece of plain , white Dacron shirts give a general empty feeling .