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  1. 简要介绍了基于循环前缀的单载波调制,通过仿真比较了在基于循环前缀的单载波调制下迫零均衡和最小均方误差均衡的性能。

    This paper outlines single-carrier with cyclic prefix ( SC-CP ) and compares the performance of zero-forcing equalization and minimum mean square error ( MMSE ) equalization based SC-CP.

  2. 文章从理论上证明了该算法在存在高斯白噪声(AWGN)的非理想信道中,能够在信噪比变化的情况下满足迫零条件。

    Theoretically , it can consistently enforce the zero-forcing condition in AWGN channel when SNR varies .

  3. 高桩墩式及栈桥式码头在规则波掀动船舶撞击下受迫振动的动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Forced Vibrations of Pile Piers under Impact of a Ship Caused by Regular Wave

  4. 对欧洲人来说,他们躲在美国核保护伞下的迫求也有所降低。

    Europeans , for their part , feel less compelled to shelter under the US nuclear umbrella .

  5. 非正弦周期性外力作用下受迫振动的图像&磁力摆应用之四

    The Images of the Forced Oscillation Excited by a Non-sinusoidal Periodic Driving Force ── Fourth Application of Magnetic Pendulum

  6. 第二个方案利用了一个相关性分群方法到一个多输入多输出正交分频多工系统下的迫零接收机的封闭型态之位元配置演算法。

    In the second , we utilize the correlation-grouping scheme to a closed form bit allocation algorithm of zero-forcing detector for MIMO / OFDM systems .

  7. 在波束赋形的权向量最优且用户数趋近于极限的情况下,迫零波束赋形方案的和速率是趋向于脏纸编码系统的和速率性能的。

    When beamforming weight vector is optimal and the number of users approaches the limit , the sum rate in the zero forcing beamforming schemes tends to dirty paper coding system performance .

  8. 利用功的互等定理法求解简支矩形板在简谐分布力矩作用下受迫振动的稳态解,原理简单,方法实用,结果可靠。

    The method of the theorem of work is extended to the steady state response of rectangular plate with simply supported under harmonic distributed linear torque . The principle is simple , the is practical and results are reliable .

  9. 4A离心风机蜗壳的前几阶自振频率进行了初步的计算和试验验证,并对其在不同运行工况下的受迫振动及噪声状况进行了测量和分析。

    4A centrifugal fan . The forced vibration of the fan volute and the noise caused by the volute vibration have been measured and analyzed under the different operating conditions .

  10. 最后,为更全面揭示表面效应的影响,本文还研究了四边简单支撑弹性薄膜在谐振力作用下的受迫振动问题。

    Further , to demonstrate the influence of surface effect , the forced vibration problem of simply supported elastic film with periodic force is also studied .

  11. 采用三自由度和五自由度体系作为车辆(包括人)模型,认为车辆通过路桥过渡段实际上做一定初始条件下的受迫振动,并给出了振动方程。

    The vehicle passing bridge approach is thought to have a forced vibration and , with three or five-degree-freedom system as the vehicle model , the vibration equations are given .

  12. 文章在分析刚性三原子分子动力学系统受迫振动模式的基础上,提出了三原子分子动力学系统在外力作用下的受迫振动模式。

    In this paper the author proposes the compelled vibration model of dynamics system of striatum molecule in the effect of external force on the basis of analyzing compelled vibration model of dynamics system of rigid striatum molecule .

  13. 通过使用Matlab/Simulink模块编制程序模拟对象系统在激励作用下做受迫振动的响应。得出正弦激励及脉冲激励下胶泥吸能器与液压阻尼器防护性能的比较结果。

    Program for simulating the vibration response of the system under the impact of a continuous sine wave and the impulse based on Matlab / Simulink . Compare the vibration protective performances between using an elastomer damper and a hydraulic damper .

  14. 运用ANSYS软件分析多自由度系统在简谐激励作用下的稳态受迫振动。

    Under the simple harmonic vibration , the stable forced vibration of multiple-degree-of-freedom system is analysed by using ANSYS software .

  15. 研究了正交各向异性圆板在简谐激励q0cos(Ω0t)作用下,非线性受迫振动的亚谐分岔问题。

    Subharmonic bifurcation of the nonlinear forced vibration of symmetric and rectilinear orthotropic circular plates excited by a harmonic force q 0cos ( Ω 0t ) is discussed .

  16. 该算法可以在接收机简单的情况下实现与基于迫零连续干扰抵消(ZF-SIC)接收机链路自适应算法相同的性能。

    The algorithm can reach the performance of the link adaptive algorithm based on zero-forcing successive interference cancellation ( ZF-SIC ) with low receiver complexity .

  17. 阻尼作用下悬绳受迫振动的研究

    A study of forced oscillations of suspended cord with damping

  18. 通过对算法的修改和扩充,提出了频率选择性信道下的相关函数迫零算法。

    We have proposed a modified Autocorrelation Function Zero-forcing algorithm for the frequency fading system .

  19. 导致气缸在压力下爆裂把油压迫进燃烧室。

    causing the engine block to crack under the stress , forcing oil into the combustion chamber .

  20. 利用能量的方法讨论了简谐力作用下圆板的受迫振动,从能量角度分析了振幅与静力振幅、简谐策动力频率、自由振动圆板频率以及阻尼比之间的关系。

    The vibration of circular plates is discussion by the method of energy . The relationships between the amplitude of forced vibration and steady-state amplitude , and frequency of simple harmonic excitation , and frequency of free vibration and material damping are studied in the paper .