
  • 网络history of astronomy in China;Timeline of Chinese astronomy
  1. 盖天说是中国天文学史上特别重要的假说。

    The Gaitian theory is an important hypothesis in the history of astronomy in China .

  2. 中国天文学史成果交流会在成都举行

    Symposium on the history of Chinese astronomy was held in Chengdu

  3. 中国天文学史上的地中概念

    The concept of the center of the earth in Chinese astronomical history

  4. 内容提要席泽宗是当代中国天文学史界的代表人物,也是科学史界的翘楚。

    The authors consider this is a new branch of learning in the interdisciplinary between astronomy and disasters .

  5. 浑天说在中国天文学史上占有重要的地位,对中国古代天文仪器的设计与制造产生了重大的影响,对天文学的有关理论问题的解释也产生了重大影响。

    The theory of sphere-heavens played an important part in the history of Chi-nese astronomy , exerting significant influence on the design and manufacture of anaent astronomic instruments , as well as on the explanation of relevant astro-nomic theories . The Theory of Expounding Appearance in the Night Sky

  6. 关于中国古代天文学史的研究处于世界领先地位。

    These stands a leading role in the field of researches on history of ancient Chinese astronomy over the world .

  7. 《灵宪》是中国古代天文学史上最杰出的天文学著作之一,也是中国天文学发展的一个里程碑。

    Ling Xian , is one of the most outstanding astronomic works in the history of ancient Chinese astronomy , represents a milestone in the development of Chinese astronomy .

  8. 20世纪中国学者的天文学史研究

    China 's Scholarship in the 20th Century on History of Astronomy

  9. 从八个方面综述了20世纪中国学者在天文学史研究领域所取得的成就。

    In this paper , the authors summarize the achievements of China 's scholars in the 20th century on the history of astronomy from eight aspects .

  10. 20世纪中国学者关于世界天文学史的研究

    Chinese Scholars ' Researches on World History of Astronomy in the 20th Century

  11. 文章概述了20世纪中国学者对世界天文学史研究工作的进展,包括发表的主要论著、专题研究论文,以及完成的有关基础性研究工作等等。

    This article briefly reviews the advance of researches on world history of astronomy made by Chinese scholars in the 20th century , including the main published academic books and treatises , and other completed fundamental research works .

  12. 由陈美东先生主编的《中国古星图》一书,是最近出版的中国天文学史重要著作。

    Bo Shuren and others , Star Charts in Ancient China is an important work on the history of Chinese astronomy .

  13. 它的发明使中国古代历法的算法系统进入新的历史阶段,从而成为中国古代天文学史、数学史上具有划时代意义的伟大成就。

    The invention brought the calculating system of ancient Chinese Calendars into a new historical stage ; so it may be regarded as a great achievement of epoch-making significance .