
  • 网络Center difference;centering error
  1. 对流项采用具有二阶精度的QUICK格式进行离散,扩散项采用中心差分。

    The discretization of convection and diffusion terms are adopted separately QUICK ( quadratic upwind interpolation of convective kinematics ) scheme with second-order precision and CD ( center difference ) scheme .

  2. 用中心差分法将偏微分方程在空间内离散,导出了系统的面内振动常微分方程组;

    The equations are discretized in space by finite center difference approximation , then the nonlinear differential equations are obtained for the in-plane vibration of the cables-dampers system .

  3. QUICK格式与中心差分格式在土壤水盐运移数值模拟中的适用性分析

    Adaptability analysis about QUICK scheme and central scheme on numerical simulation for transportation of soil water and salt

  4. 基于中心差分卡尔曼滤波的SINS初始对准研究

    Study of SINS Alignment Based On Central Difference Kalman Filter

  5. 计算中采用了具有当地极值递减(LED)性质的JST和SLIP中心差分格式。

    The central difference schemes JST and SLIP that satisfy LED principle are used .

  6. GPS高精度定位结果、原始多普勒频移观测量,以及由载波相位中心差分而获得的多普勒频移观测值,它们都可以用来获得高精度的速度测量结果。

    The precise velocity can be derived respectively with precise positioning results , receiver raw Doppler measurements and carrier phase derived Doppler measurements .

  7. 求解Euler方程的基本算法采用有限体积中心差分格点格式。

    The basic algorithm for the Euler solver consists of an explicit vertex-based finite volume method .

  8. 此外,分析结果也表明OS法的稳定性好于中心差分法。

    The results also show that the stability of the operating-splitter method is better than that of the central difference method .

  9. 利用显式中心差分算法,借助有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,通过数值模拟,实现了花键冷滚轧成形过程的可视化。

    By using explicit central difference algorithm and finite element software ANSYS / LS-DYNA , the numerical simulation of involute spline shaft 's cold-rolling forming was realized .

  10. 实验表明基于中心差分的离散化方法有效地克服了误差积累,提出的平均Newton迭代方法提高了三维形状恢复的准确度。

    Experiments showed that central difference algorithms may tide over the accumulated error of forward or backward differential , and the average Newton iteration algorithm improved the accuracy of reconstruction .

  11. 详细研究了Jameson的中心差分有限体积法,推导了Euler方程和N-S方程的空间和时间离散公式。

    On detailed study of the central difference finite volume method proposed by Jameson , discrete formulae of 3-D Euler equations and N-S equations are presented .

  12. 应用二阶中心差分公式,建立了任意支承的Euler梁的差分离散系统,导出了与之等效的弹簧质点刚杆模型。

    The difference discrete system of Euler beam with arbitrary supports was constructed by using the two order central difference formulas . This system is equivalent to the spring-mass point-rigid rod model .

  13. 采用高阶TVD下的Roe格式计算对流通量,采用中心差分格式计算扩散通量。

    Roe 's method with three-order TVD scheme was used for the evaluation of convective fluxes , and central difference scheme was used for diffusive fluxes .

  14. 本文以中心差分方法为基础,结合Newmark常平均加速度法的基本假定,推导出了一种求解有限自由度有阻尼体系动力方程的自起步显式差分格式。

    Based on the basic assumptions of centre difference method and Newmark 's method , an explicit difference method for viscoelastic dynamic equation is presented in this paper .

  15. 采用空间四阶精度和时间二阶精度中心差分将Biot方程离散化到交错网格。

    Biot 's equations are discretized and approximated to a staggered-grid by applying a fourth-order accurate central difference in space and a second-order accurate central difference in time .

  16. 数值方法中选用VanLeer分裂格式离散无粘通量项,采用中心差分格式来离散粘性通量项。

    In the computation Van Leer 's scheme is employed to discretize the inviscid flux terms and the viscous flux terms are discretized by adopting central difference scheme .

  17. 对流项用迎风中心差分格式模拟,压力方程用SOR法迭代求解。

    The convection term is discretized with upwind central difference scheme , and the pressure equation is solved by successive over relaxation ( SOR ) method .

  18. 如中心差分法、Houbolt法、Newmark法等。

    First the stochastic central difference method has been suggested , followed by the stochastic Houbolt method and the stochastic Newmark algorithm .

  19. 基于该模型,以OS法(Operator-splittingmethod)和中心差分法为例,利用谱半径方法分析了作动器时滞及其补偿对实验稳定性的影响。

    With this model , the effects of time delay and compensation of integration methods in RST are analyzed using spectrum radius method . The specific time stepping methods under investigation are the operator-splitting method and the central difference integration method .

  20. 分别利用守恒和非守恒型的中心差分格式及守恒和非守恒型的上风差分格式,同时采用两层网格方法,得出了不同Rayleigh数下的数值结果。

    With the Double-Grid Method , several different difference schemes , those are conservative / nonconpervative central difference and conservative / nonconservative upwind difference , are used to calculate the numerical solutions under different Rayleigh Number ( Ra ) .

  21. 空间离散无粘项采用ROE格式,粘性项用中心差分方法计算;

    Upwind spatial differencing is used for the inviscid terms , and viscous terms are centrally differenced , the flux difference splitting method of Roe is employed to obtain fluxes at the faces .

  22. 另一种是完全连续的网格(CCG),分别在PDG和CCG中采用VanLeer的矢通量分裂格式和Jameson的中心差分格式求解了Euler方程。

    Van Leer 's flux vector splitting scheme and Jameson 's central difference scheme are used respectively in PDG and CCG as the numerical methods to solve the Euler equations .

  23. 本文在该方程中进一步引入了Crank-Nicolson一阶有限差分算子来代替中心差分算子,从而得出了45°无条件稳定差分格式的单行波方程。

    Replacing the central difference operator with finite first order difference operator ( Crank-Nicolson ), we can get 45 ° one-way wave equation in unconditionally stable difference scheme .

  24. 由于Lagrange插值算子并非对任意的连续函数都一致收敛,为了改善其收敛性,我们通过对插值基函数,引入中心差分算法基于等距结点组构造了一类三角求和算子;

    Since the Lagrange interpolation operator does not converge to arbitrary continuous function uniformly , to improve its convergence property , we construct a class of triangle summation operators based on a group of equidistant nodes , by using the method of center difference on the basic interpolation functions .

  25. 然后利用中心差分格式离散时间方向的二阶导数,再利用适当的求积公式得到薄板弯曲问题的集中质量Morley元全离散格式。

    Then , using the second-order central difference to discretize the time derivative of the displacement , and applying the quadrature formula to the mass matrix , a fully discrete lumped mass Morley element method is developed for the same problem .

  26. 介绍了Unscented卡尔曼滤波算法和中心差分卡尔曼滤波算法,通过对比分析上述两种算法发现,二者的共同点是利用Sigma-Point近似非线性函数。

    Firstly , the Unscented Kalman filtering and Central Differential Kalman filtering are introduced . By contrast the two algorithms , the common points could be found which are that the Sigma-Point is used to approximate the nonlinear equations .

  27. 采用3阶精度中心差分格式对Dirichlet边界条件下的二维泊松方程进行离散,近边界网格点处采用2阶精度差分格式进行离散,利用超松弛迭代进行矩阵求解。

    The third-order accuracy center finite difference scheme was introduced to solve two-dimensional Poisson equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions , and the second-order accuracy finite difference scheme was applied to mesh discretization near boundaries . With the over-relaxation matrix iteration algorithm , the numerical solution was finally achieved .

  28. 湍流模型采用修正的Baldwin-Lomax涡粘性代数模型,数值方法空间离散对流项采用显式NND格式,粘性项采用中心差。

    The correctional Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model is employed . A NND ( TVD type ) explicit difference scheme with the flux vector splitting for convective terms and centered differencing for viscous terms is used to solve these equations .

  29. 本文用方波的精确解与二阶中心差分方法、FCT方法、新方法进行对比分析,验证了新改进的方法提高了FCT方法的计算精度。

    By comparing the exact solution of the square wave with original second-order accuracy , the fourth-order accuracy , and the improved calculation method , the thesis verified that the newly improved method can enhance the accuracy upon the original one .

  30. 使用有限体积法,通过相间作用力耦合求解控制方程组,其中扩散项采用中心差分,对流项采用二阶迎风格式,源项用Gauss-Seidel迭代法求解。

    By using finite volume method , the control equations are solved via coupling the interaction force between phases , in which diffusion term is solved by central-differencing , convection term is solved by second-order upwind scheme , and source term is solved implicitly by Gauss-Seidel iteration method .