
xià hé
  • inferior conjunction
下合[xià hé]
  1. 铆接部分采用上下合模挤压的方式,通过Deform模拟来设计铆接间隙。

    Riveting part is the way the upper and lower mold squeeze through the gap Deform simulation to design riveted .

  2. 金融危机下合成型债务抵押债券(SCDO)的定价研究

    Research on Pricing Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation ( SCDO ) under Financial Crisis

  3. 超临界状态下合成长链烷基苯固体酸催化反应的研究

    Study on Catalytic Reaction of Long Chain Alkylbenzene Synthesis over Solid Acid Catalyst in Supercritical Phase

  4. 一阵强烈的,沉重的,令人昏昏欲睡的迷雾席卷了我,我的眼睛在未经我许可的情况下合上了。

    A deep , heavy fog of lethargy washed over me , and my eyes closed without my permission .

  5. B超观察针刺胆经下合穴对健康人胆囊收缩功能的影响

    Observing Effects of Acupuncture on Lower Confluent Point of Gallbladder on the Biliary Tract Contraction in Healthy People by B-ultrasonography

  6. 结果:针刺健康人足少阳胆经的下合穴后,胆囊容积及胆总管内径虽有不同程度的改变,但无统计学意义(P>005)。

    Results : The volume of gallbladder raised after acupuncture , but hadn 't significant changes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的:观察针刺下合穴为主,与常规针刺治疗小儿呃逆的疗效差异。

    Goal : The observation acupuncture lower confluent acupoint primarily , treats the curative effect difference with the conventional acupuncture which the young child hiccups .

  8. 主要选取足太阳膀胱经和足少阳胆经的腧穴,腧穴选择主要为五输穴及下合穴。

    Mainly selected by the Urinary Bladder Meridian of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang through the acupoints , selected acupoints are mainly Wushu Points and Xiahe Points .

  9. 结论:针刺足少阳胆经的下合穴对生理状态下的胆囊收缩功能无明显影响。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture on lower confluent point of the gallbladder ( Yanglingquan GB34 ) point hasn 't obvious influence on biliary tract contraction in normal people .

  10. 目的:探讨针刺足少阳胆经的下合穴对健康人胆囊收缩功能的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of acupuncture of lower confluent point of gall bladder ( yanglingquan GB34 ) on the biliary tract contraction in healthy people .

  11. 目的观察针刺胃经上的下合穴&足三里、上巨虚、下巨虚治疗十二指肠溃疡的疗效,并探讨这3个下合穴治疗十二指肠溃疡的相对特异性。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of the three Lower He ( sea ) points , e.g , Zusanli ( ST 36 ), Shangjuxu ( ST 37 ) and Xiajuxu ( ST 39 ), in the treatment of the duodenal ulcer and investigate the specificity of the three points .

  12. CO2浓度升高情况下光合产物的积累与分配

    The Accumulation and Distribution of Photosynthesis Product in Elevated Carbon Dioxide

  13. 结果:随着2-羟丙基β-环糊精浓度增加和pH的减小,桂利嗪的溶解度显著提高。计算了不同pH下包合物的表观稳定常数。

    Results : The apparent solubility of cinnarizine was significantly enhanced by increased HPCD concentration and decreased pH value and the apparent solubility constant was calculated .

  14. 转ERF基因旱稻盐碱胁迫下光合生理反应混合盐碱胁迫对白三叶种子萌发的影响

    Photosynthesis and Physiological Impact of Transgenic ERF Gene Aerobic Rice under Saline-sodic Stress

  15. 采用紫外可见光谱滴定法测定了β环糊精(βCD)在10℃,不同pH值条件下包合苯丁酸氮芥(CHL)的稳定常数,探索了主客体分子间的作用机理。

    UV-vis spectrophotometric titration was used to calculate the stability constants of an inclusion complex of β - cyclodextrins (β - CD ) with chlorambucil ( CHL ) in different pH buffer solutions at 10 ℃ .

  16. 结果表明,玉米PEPC基因导入水稻后,在高光强下光合速率提高50%,光合作用的光抑制减轻。

    The results showed that the photosynthetic rate under high light intensity increased by 50 % and photoinhibition of photosynthesis alleviated after the introduction of PEPC gene from maize into rice .

  17. 彩色棉抗逆性较强,VDF最低,为9%左右,但正常条件下光合能力有限;

    While colored lint variety , with the lowest VDF of 9 % , had a good resistance to stress , but a weaker photosynthesis under normal condition .

  18. 基于句法结构的译文选择将句法上下文集合视为词包,统计集合中各词的词信息和词性信息作为上下文特征,以Bayes最小错误概率公式作为评价函数选择译文。

    The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .

  19. 研究了一种具有良好时延性能的多级调度算法MURR,实现了多端口数据在高速条件下的合路调度。

    A multi-layer scheduling algorithm MURR with good time delay performance is researched , which can realize high speed data combination scheduling for ten interfaces .

  20. 用50kg真空感应炉,通过VN合金(8%C,12%N,80%V)来增钒增氮,研究和模拟在RH真空条件下微合金钢水中N的行为。

    The behavior of nitrogen in microalloy steel during RH vacuum condition has been studied and simulated using a 50 kg vacuum induction furnace by adding V-N alloy ( 8 % C , 12 % N , 80 % V ) to increase V and N in steel .

  21. 本文进一步研究转PEPC基因水稻的光合保护能力,看到玉米PEPC基因导入水稻后,在高光强下光合速率提高50%,光合作用的光抑制减轻。

    This article would further investigate the photoprotective capability . The results showed that the photosynthetic rate under high light intensity had increased by 50 % and photo-inhibition of photosynthesis in PEPC transgenic was alleviated after the introduction of PEPC gene from maize into rice .

  22. 用紫外可见光谱的方法分析了茁-环糊精与阳离子蓝X-GRRL的包合作用,并计算出不同温度下包合物的稳定常数。

    The inclusion formation of β - cyclodextrin with Cationic Blue X-GRRL was explained by means of UV-visible spectra and the binding constants at different temperature are calculated in this article .

  23. 微米尺度下键合强度的评价方法和测试结构

    Technique and Structure for Testing Bonding Intension in Micron Scale

  24. 高温胁迫下光合器官受损及其适应机理

    Mechanisms of damage and acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus due to heat stress

  25. 不同灌溉模式下光合有效辐射与水稻叶片水分利用效率关系研究

    Relationship Between PAR and Water Use Efficient in Rice Leaf under Different Irrigation Models

  26. 红光下光合产物积累显著但运输受阻严重。

    Photosynthate was accumulated significantly but its transport was hindered badly under red LED .

  27. 结果表明:2种种植模式下光合有效辐射截获量日变化均为双峰曲线;

    The results show that there is a bimodal curve in the diurnal change of IPAR .

  28. 不同频率交变磁场下低合金钢焊缝微区磁致塑性变形与磁致伸缩的关系

    Relationship between Magneto-plasticity and Magnetostriction in Welding Seam of Low Alloy Steel in Alternating Magnetic Field at Different Frequencies

  29. 苗期水分亏缺影响了光合特性的变化,水分亏缺下光合速率和蒸腾速率都下降,而叶片的水分利用效率相应有所提高。

    The photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate are decreased under water deficit , but the water use efficiency is correspondingly improved .

  30. 可以得出,较高盐浓度下光合速率的降低与气孔限制因素密切相关。

    It is obvious that at higher concentration of NaCl the decrease of photosynthetic rate closely correlate with stomatal limitation factors .