
  1. 凯利·埃德蒙兹修女是圣·塞西莉亚修女会第1年的见习修女。

    Sister Kelly Edmunds is a first-year postulant at Saint Cecilia 's.

  2. 我像见习修女一样祈祷。

    I prayed liked a novice nun .

  3. 当打结卷曲的长发在脚边堆积起来之后,一个见习修女为她打上肥皂沫,静默姐妹接着用剃刀刮去了剩下短发茬。

    When her locks and curls were piled up around her feet , one of the novices soaped her head and the silent sister scraped away the stubble with a razor .