
  1. 大多数企业和组织只把一个物流职能作为他们的主要利益区域。

    Most businesses or organizations are likely to see only one of these five functions as their main area of interest .

  2. 本文利用拓朴学的结论对利益区域是凸多面体的混料问题给出一种直接设计方法。

    A direct design method applicable to mixture problems for which the interest region is a convex-polyhedron has been given in this note by use of a topological result .

  3. ALBA得到的教训是:更多的基于政治意识形态的而不是国家利益的区域俱乐部是不可能长久发展的。

    The lesson of ALBA is that regional clubs based on political ideology rather than national interest do not get very far .

  4. 在生产部门利益与区域经济开发整体利益上、在效益评价标准上存在冲突和偏差;

    There are some conflicts and evaluation criteria between the production department benefit and the region economy development benefit .

  5. 区域利益是区域竞争与合作的主要动机,而水资源利用无疑已成为影响区域利益的经济活动之一。

    Regional interests are the mainspring of interregional competition and interregional cooperation , and water resource utilization has undoubtedly already become one of the economic activities which influence regional interests .

  6. 分析相关利益集团对区域卫生规划的意向;

    To Analyze the attitudes of stakeholders to RHP ;

  7. 提出国家利益是经济区域化及经济全球化的根本出发点;

    It is pointed out that the goal of regionalization and globalization is to improve the national economic welfare .

  8. 水源涵养保护的经济补偿直接涉及部门、地区之间的利益,是区域关系的一个焦点。

    The financial compensation of water conservation has close relationship with the interests of different departments and areas , and is a focus of regional relationship .

  9. 在这些城市区域的发展过程中,有些地方政府为了自身的利益而忽视区域利益甚至损害区域利益,逃避属于它们的责任。

    In the city the development process of area , some local governments for their own interests while ignoring regional interest or even damage the regional interest , escape to their responsibility .

  10. 各个地方政府在经济发展的激烈竞争中意识到,构建良好的政府间合作机制,对实现自身利益、推动区域共同发展具有重要意义。

    By facing the fierce competition in economic development , Local governments aware of that to build a good governmental cooperation mechanism has significance in realizing their own interests , and promoting regional development .

  11. 在区域共同市场建设中还要注意区际利益分配、区域市场与全国统一市场的关系以及区域制度建设等问题。

    Meanwhile , in constructing the regional common market , the distribution of interests among regions , the relationship between regional market and the national market , and the regional institutions construction should be paid attention to .

  12. 利益问题是区域经济元竞合关系的核心问题,本文应用博弈论建立产出&分享模型、并进行稳定性分析。

    The question of profit is the core question in the competition and cooperation relationship in the regional economy unit . This paper also establishes the mode of output-share based on Game Theory , and gives an analysis of the result over time .

  13. 随着我国葡萄产业的快速发展,国内的葡萄产量与日俱增,国内市场上的葡萄产品也日益增多,为争夺市场、获取利益,国内区域间葡萄产业的竞争势必更加激烈。

    Along with the development of our country grape industry , the domestic grape yield is increasing . The grape products are increasing in domestic market . In order to scram for markets and to obtain benefits , the competition will be fiercer during domestic regional grape industry .

  14. 因此,地方政府之间的利益博弈影响着区域之间的利益关系。

    Therefore , the game affects the relationship of regions .

  15. 救济立法同时也反映出不同土地处理思想、不同政治利益集团和不同区域之间激烈的政治经济思想斗争。

    The relief legislation reflected the fierce political , economic and ideological struggle among various land disposing schools , political interest groups and different areas of the country .

  16. 但另一方面,处于同一经济区中的各政区是相对独立的利益主体,在区域经济运行中各有其利。

    However , each administrative division in the same economical area is a relatively independent subject which can gain its own interests in the operation of regional economy .

  17. 区域发展战略是根据区域内自然、经济、社会条件,统筹协调各方面利益关系,设立区域发展目标,解决区域发展的重点和难点。

    Regional development strategy is based on the region of natural , economic , social conditions , co-ordination between the various interests , to address regional development priorities and difficulties .

  18. 因此地理标志能够为生产者带来巨大的经济利益,对推动区域经济的发展和保留传统文化具有重大意义。

    It can bring immense economic interests to the producers and it is of great significance for the promotion of regional economic development and the perseverance of native tradition and cultural heritage .

  19. 为评估城市干路交通拥堵导致的经济、环境成本和公众利益损失及其对区域架构的影响,设计了一种定量与定性相结合的分析方法。

    This paper sets out to formulate a method for estimating the costs and welfare losses of all types that congestion on cross-town link roads causes to the social fabric of the areas affected .

  20. 旅游业作为关联程度、开放程度极高的新型产业,越来越多的地区从各自的经济利益出发,利用区域地缘优势,打破行政区划,推进区域旅游的合作。

    For tourism being a highly associated and open new industry , more and more regions make use of area advantages , break district and push on regional tourism cooperation for their own economic profit .

  21. 其次从区域合作信息交互机制、区域合作利益补偿机制、区域合作评价激励机制、区域合作行为约束机制四个方面来建立健全我国东中西部经济协调发展的合作机制;

    Secondly , it talks about building a collaboration mechanism by enhancing the regional information switch mechanism , the cooperation benefit compensate mechanism , the regional cooperation appraises incentive mechanism and the regional cooperation behavior restraint mechanism ;

  22. 地方政府追求自身利益的行为导致区域壁垒的产生,推动长三角一体化就需要重构地方政府的利益机制。

    The local governments ' behavior of pursuing self-interest results in regional barriers . It is necessary to restructure the interest system of local governments in order to push forward the process of the Changjiang River Delta economic integration .

  23. 在后改革期的中国经济体制变迁必须更多地关注公平问题,特别是落后地区和弱势群体的利益差问题,区域间的协调和发展问题。

    In the final revolution process of China 's economical system , attention must be paid to fairness issues , especially the interest difference issues in remote area and minority group , and the coordination and development issues in different areas .

  24. 长三角区域地方政府公共合作面临着悖论:利益主体多元与区域公共利益、行政区分割与区域一体化、绩效评估价值与区域公共价值。

    Public cooperation of local governments in the Yangtze River Delta is facing the following paradoxes : diversified interest groups and regional public interest , the division of administrative regions and regional integration , merit evaluation value and regional public value .

  25. 针对第三方物流企业,提出以物流中心自身能够取得的最大利益为目标的区域物流中心选址模型,并且考虑了物流中心固定运营成本和可变运营成本等成本因素。

    In this paper , a model of regional logistics center location for third party logistics corporation is constructed , aiming at maximizing benefit of the logistics center by taking into account such factors as logistics center 's fixed cost and variable cost .

  26. 我国是一个各经济区域发展水平较为悬殊的发展中大国,让权放利的改革开放政策,逐渐独立和强化了区域经济利益,经济发展区域化特征日益加强。

    China is a big and imbalance developing country . With the policy of reforming and opening , granted more development right and benefit by central government gradually , the regional benefit was intensified and in depended . The regional character in economy is typical .

  27. 经济圈通过资源共享、利益共赢以实现区域最大规模效益而日益成为区域经济发展和研究的新领域,并以其发展的整体性、协调有效性而成为世界区域经济发展的主流。

    Economic circle , which achieves the biggest economies of scale by sharing resources and winning benefits together , is becoming the new field of regional economic development and research , and is becoming the mainstream of the world by its integrity and the effectiveness of coordination .

  28. 靠牺牲整体利益或发达地区利益去换取区域间经济差异的缩小也是不可取的;

    Third , it would also be disadvantageous to narrow down the inter regional economic disparities at the expense of the interest of the developed regions or the country as a whole .

  29. 最后,影响力是指公共官员与公共利益联系的密切程度以及此种公共利益的区域性范围的大小等。

    Finally , influence refers to the closely degree between public officials and the public interest .

  30. 第二章主要论证了中国区域分工利益实现与分配的经济机制。首先,区域分工可以带来区域经济利益的增进及区域福利水平的提高,这是微观经济机制的作用。

    Chapter 2 mainly expounds and proves the economic mechanism for the realization and distribution of Chinese regional division profit from the point of regional economics .