
  1. 对横向科研经费的管理要规范其收支行为,制定科研经费财务管理制度,使科研人员做到有章可循、有法可依,自觉遵守有关财经规章制度。

    Standard research fund management in income and payout , made management policies of research funds , made researcher to do obeying policies and laws , obeying consciously finacial policies .

  2. 但是,部分高校由于对科研经费管理重视不够,缺乏完善的纵、横向科研经费内部管理制度,在科研经费管理和使用中仍然存在一些突出的问题。

    However , because of lacking the funds for scientific research management attention and complete vertical and horizontal research funding internal management system , there are still some outstanding issues on the management and use of funds for scientific research in some colleges and universities .