
  • 网络Megumi Yokota
  1. 2002年,朝鲜承认绑架了横田惠和其他12名日本人,并称横田惠与一位同样被绑架的韩国人结婚,生下了一个女儿,之后于1994年去世。

    North Korea in 2002 acknowledged abducting Megumi and 12 other Japanese , and said she died in 1994 after marrying a South Korean abductee and giving birth to a girl .

  2. 横田早纪江说,朝鲜方面没有披露关于横田惠的新细节,她也没有作出要求,因为她不希望政治事务妨碍他们与外孙女的见面。

    Ms. Yokota said no new details of Megumi were revealed , saying she didn 't ask since she did not want political affairs to come in the way of the meeting .