
  1. 本文主要以动力接触问题为研究对象,以钟万勰教授提出的参变量变分原理为理论基础,以参数二次规划方法和Newmark方法相结合为数值求解手段,具体给出了分析动力接触问题的算法。

    This thesis is focused on the dynamic contact problem , we apply the approach , which is combined the parametric quadratic programming method and the Newmark integration method , to analyzes the dynamic contact .

  2. 钟万勰院士提出的偏微分方程的子域精细积分方法是一种半解析方法,方法简单,精度高。

    The Precise Integration Method in the time domain developed by Zhong is very useful to solve a kinds of differential equations because it possesses very high efficiency and accuracy .