
zhōnɡ biǎo diàn
  • Clock shop;watchmaker's shop
  1. 我的表已在一家钟表店清洁过了。

    I have got my watch cleaned in a watch-shop .

  2. 托德在一家钟表店找到一份好工作。

    Todd got a good job in a clock shop .

  3. -.我的表已在一家钟表店清洁过了。

    I have got my watch cleaned in a watch shop

  4. 下周我要把这个钟送钟表店去(修)。

    I 'm going to take the clock to the watchmaker 's next week .

  5. 这个医生的手表坏了,他在一个钟表店的门口停了下来。

    The doctor 's watch had gone wrong and he stopped before a watch shop .

  6. 他到钟表修理店去了。

    He 's gone to the clock hospital .

  7. 这个钟表匠在他的店后面有个工作间。

    The watchmaker has a work-room at the back of his shop .