
zhōng shēng
  • ring;chime;toll;stroke;bell tone
钟声[zhōng shēng]
  1. 《跨越大陆》虽然发表了他的《钟声激越》,却老不寄支票来。

    Though the TRANSCONTINENTAL had published " The Ring of Bells ," no check was forthcoming .

  2. 《钟声激越》的稿费是五块钱&五块钱五千字!

    Five dollars for " The Ring of Bells " - five dollars for five thousand words !

  3. 都市的钟声齐鸣。

    The bells of the city began to peal out .

  4. 正式庆典总是在午夜钟声的最后一响开始。

    The celebrations proper always begin on the last stroke of midnight .

  5. 教堂的钟声使我不能入睡。

    The church bells keep me from sleeping .

  6. 所有的朋友仿佛已听到了她婚礼的钟声。

    All her friends could hear wedding bells .

  7. 洪亮的钟声响了起来。

    A peal of bells rang out .

  8. 教堂的钟声响了。

    The church bells rang .

  9. 子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。

    The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck .

  10. 然后我们听见钟声响起。

    And then we heard the bells ringing out

  11. 我弟弟内维尔是星期天出生的,当时所有的教堂钟声齐鸣。

    My brother , Neville , was born on a Sunday , when all the church bells were ringing .

  12. “快8点了。”恰好在这时小教堂晨祷的钟声敲响了。

    ' It 's almost eight o'clock . ' As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins .

  13. 钟声铿然。

    The clock strikes with a loud and clear sound .

  14. 更深人静的时候可以听到远处的钟声。

    In the stillness of night could be heard the ringing of a distant bell .

  15. 钟声开始鸣响了。

    The bell began pealing .

  16. 远处响起了一阵教堂的钟声。

    A peal of church bells rang out in the distance .

  17. 我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。

    We heard the calling of the bells to prayer .

  18. 时针和分针叠合的刹那,钟声敲响了。

    The bell began to toll the moment the hour and minute hands coincided .

  19. 大教堂响起了响亮的钟声。

    The bells of the cathedral rang out their loud peal .

  20. 响亮的钟声宣布王子的诞生

    The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince .

  21. 钟声响彻郊野

    The bells pealed ( out ) over the countryside .

  22. 伦敦教堂的钟声响起,宣告了一场伟大的胜利。

    Church bells rang in London acclaiming a great victory .

  23. 教堂的钟声报时。

    The church bell tolled the hour .

  24. 远处的钟声响了。

    A remote bell is tolling .

  25. 真的,钟声响了,人们成群结队走进富丽堂皇的教堂。

    Indeed , the bells were tolling , the people were trooping into the handsome church .

  26. 后来,偶然听到钟声,他就以为是太阳。

    Later , when he heard the toll3 of a bell , he thought it was the sun .

  27. 有一天,城楼失火了,火警的钟声穿到了水中。

    One day the tower above the city gate caught fire and the people of the city were alarmed .

  28. 在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。

    When I am in the South , the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping 's Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins , Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow bell .

  29. 1876年,外科医生西拉斯·魏尔·米歇尔首次记述了这种病,他当时描述称两名男子出现了他称之为“感官放电”的症状——他们自称因听到“巨大的钟声”或“枪声”而惊醒。

    The physician Silas Weir Mitchell first described the disorder in 1876 , when he described two men who suffered from what he called " sensory discharges " - the men themselves described it as hearing " loud bells " or a " gunshot " that would wake them from sleep .

  30. 当午夜钟声响起的时候,他把剩余的威士忌给了Henry。

    He gave the remaining glass of whiskey to Henry just as the clock began to strike midnight .