
  1. 在荥经调查川黄柏转主寄主的过程中,未发现转主寄主。

    In the investigation , alternate host was not discovered .

  2. 川西北高寒牧区主栽豆科牧草缺乏的探讨豆科牧草化感作用初探

    Probing into the reasons of primarily cultivated forage legumes'lack in Northwest Sichuan alpine pastoral regions

  3. 结果显示:在秦岭川金丝猴中,主雄替换是决定青年雄性迁移时间的主要影响因素。

    The results showed that the male takeover is the main factors of natal dispersal for young males in the golden snub-nosed monkey .

  4. 就川西北高寒牧区主栽豆科牧草缺乏的现状,初步探讨了其原因,提出了综合解决的措施。

    A preliminary study on the allelopathy of legumes As far as the conditions of primarily cultivated forage legumes'lack in Northwest Sichuan alpine pastoral regions , some reasons are probed into ; and comprehensive solutions are also put forward .