
chuān bái zhǐ
  • Angelica anomala;Radix angelicae anomalae
川白芷[chuān bái zhǐ]
  1. PEG-6000模拟干旱条件下,渗透调节物质以及根的相关指标对白芷苗期抗旱性影响较大,川白芷苗期抗旱性最强。

    Osmotic adjustment substance and the indexes related to the root had more influence on the drought resistance of A. dahurica during seedling stage .

  2. 挥发油的GC-MS分析表明:川白芷挥发油的主要成分是烷醇类和碳烯类化合物,含量较高,约占整个挥发油的62~78%,其次为饱和烃类与有机酸类。

    The GC-MS analysis indicated that the principal constituent of the volatile oil was alkyl-alcohol and alkene compound ( account for 62 ~ 78 percent of the total ) , the content of saturation hydrocarbon and organic acid was in the secondary place .

  3. 川白芷提取物异欧前胡素大鼠体内药动学研究

    Phamacokinetic Study of Isoimperatorin in Rats After Drug Administration

  4. 川白芷生长发育和产量质量对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Growth Characteristics and Yield and Quality of Chuan Bai Zhi

  5. 目的:比较川白芷中欧前胡素的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To compare the methods of determination of imperatorin in Radix Angelicae Dahuricae .

  6. 为川白芷药材重金属及有害元素测定方法的选择和限量标准的制定提供参考。

    Which could be references to the choice of determination methods and establishment of limitation standard .

  7. 首次对川白芷的茎、叶进行了较详细的组织学研究,找出了茎、叶的主要鉴别特征。

    The major identification characteristics of the stem and the leaves were firstly been found through histology study .

  8. 适宜的氮磷钾用量及配比,有利于川白芷的生长发育,可增加根长、根粗,促进干物质积累。

    Application of N , P and K at an appropriate rate and ratio enhanced root length , root diameter , and dry matter accumulation .

  9. 为配合川白芷生产质量管理规范化的研究,本文在课题组前期工作基础上进行了品质评价研究的完善和深入,为建立川白芷规范化的质量评价标准提供了科学依据。

    A complete and deep study on the quality evaluation of Chuan Bai Zhi has been done to establish its evaluation standard of quality , on the basis of pre-effort of the project group .

  10. 从4月下旬起,川白芷进入根部生长旺盛时期,应注意氮磷钾素的平衡施用。

    The time of dressing N fertilizer was earlier than P , K fertilizer . From late April , A. dahurica var. formosana from Sichuan Province entered root peak growth period and balanced application of fertilizer should be considered . 4 .