
dàn bó
  • not to seek fame and wealth;not seek fame and wealth
澹泊 [dàn bó]
  • [not seek fame and wealth] 恬淡寡欲;不追求名利

澹泊[dàn bó]
  1. 它的澹泊、自尊、朴素而又高贵的气质。

    She lives simply , the self-respect , simple and the noble makings .

  2. 佛教澹泊思想注重身心的宁静、无我的道德主体性超越和生命本真的价值深省,对于现代道德建设有着积极的启示。

    Buddhist thoughts of this freedom lays stress on the tranquility of body and soul , and the transcendence of the " non-ego " moral subject and thorough examination of the value of life , which can contribute to modern moral progress .

  3. 即观其大略的读书方法,澹泊宁静的人生境界,深思谨慎的处世态度,鞠躬尽瘁的奉献精神。

    That is his reading method of " reading the essence ", his state of being quiet and without worldly desires , his thoughtful and cautious philosophy of life and the spirit of sparing no effort in the performance of one 's duty .