- 网络the length of forefinger

Special cat-sized toothbrushes are available , also one that slips over your index finger .
If your ring finger is bigger than your index finger , you are a real macho man .
A study last year said that men with long index fingers have a lower risk of prostate cancer .
Men with a ring finger much longer than their index finger are more polite , attentive and considerate to women .
The frequencies of the ring-finger-longer were much higher in 6 groups , and there were significant sexual differences in 4 groups .
Men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are seen as better bets by women , a study found .
Those with ring fingers longer than index fingers did better on the math part of a standardized test than the reading part .
In the control group , index fingers were longer in31 % and shorter in52 % . The rest of the men had fingers of equal length .
Women whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are quicker on their feet , offering a simple way of predicting who will win a race , researchers have found .
The findings , published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , found that women withring fingerslonger than their index fingers had performed better at running and associated running sports such as soccer and tennis .
People with a right ring finger that 's much longer than the index of the same hand are more likely to veer toward the dissolute , judging from an Oxford University study published today in the journal Biology Letters 。
The longer the fourth digit in relation to the second , the more money the traders are likely to make .
Specifically , if someone 's ring finger and his index finger are the same length , look out 。 Little or no difference in the size of those digits is an indicator of high prenatal testosterone , which tells you two things .
Review of researches on relations between the ratio of index finger length to ring finger length ( 2D to 4D ) and sports capacity
In women the ring finger is commonly shorter or the same length as the index finger , while in men the ring finger is generally longer .