
shū ɡān lì dǎn
  • soothing liver-gallbladder
  1. 结论:疏肝利胆活血化瘀法治疗PBC临床疗效显著,值得进一步深入研究。

    Conclusion : treatment of promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis and dispersing stagnated liver qi for promoting bile flow , the clinical efficacy of the treatment of PBC significantly , is worth further study .

  2. 疏肝利胆溶石汤治疗胆石症的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Treating Gall-stone Disease with Shu-Gan-Li-Dan-Rong-Shi-Tang

  3. 疏肝利胆中药与胆汁引流相结合对犬有机磷农药中毒肝损伤保护作用的研究

    The protective effect of biliary drainage combined with Chinese drugs on liver injury induced by organophosphorus intoxication

  4. 结论:疏肝利胆中药能有效降低胆石的形成。

    Conclusion : Recipe for dispersing stagnated liver qi to promote bile flow may decrease gallstone formation .

  5. 疏肝利胆、通腑降逆法治疗胆汁反流性胃炎80例临床观察

    Observation of therapy of soothing-liver cholaneresis , dredging intestines and descending turbid substance on gastritis with bile reflux

  6. 结论:疏肝利胆法结合胆汁引流可明显增加有机磷经胆道排泄,本治法为抢救有机磷农药中毒提供了一个新的治疗理论。

    Conclusions : Shuganlidan combining biliary drainage can significantly improve organophosphorus excretion through bile duct and prove to be of clinical significance in the treatment of organophosphorus intoxication .

  7. 调宁蛋白在胆固醇结石形成中的作用及疏肝利胆方药的干预机制目的:探讨疏肝利胆中药胆石净防治胆石形成的作用机制,以期为临床应用提供理论与实验依据。

    Objective : To explore the mechanism of the inhibiting effects of recipe for dispersing stagnated liver qi to promote bile flow ( Danshijing Tablets ) on cholesterol gallstone formation and provide experimental evidence for its clinical application .

  8. 通过正确地辨证论治,以疏肝扶脾、疏肝和胃、疏肝利胆和疏肝解郁法治疗慢性结肠炎、慢性胃炎、慢性胆囊炎及抑郁证,疗效显著,值得临床借鉴学习。

    By correct differentiation of symptoms and signs , it has marked effect and is worth learning to treat chronic colitis , chronic gastritis , chronic cholecystitis and depression by dispelling liver to support spleen , regulate stomach , promote gallbladder and relieve depression .