
qiū fēnɡ
  • autumn wind;gifts obtained on the pretext of celebrating birthday/etc.
秋风 [qiū fēng]
  • [autumn wind] 秋天的风

  1. 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

  2. 秋风瑟瑟。

    The autumn wind is rustling [ soughing ] .

  3. 秋风飒飒。

    The autumn wind is soughing in the trees .

  4. 秋风萧瑟。

    The autumn wind is soughing .

  5. 草木零落秋风后。

    The autumn wind left withered grass and bare trees behind .

  6. 在秋风里,排排枫树颤动着醉红的叶子。

    Rows of maple trees shivered their red leaves in the autumn wind .

  7. 清爽的秋风正在吹拂。

    The crisp autumn wind is flickering away .

  8. 一阵秋风吹来,感到些微的凉意。

    The autumn wind sprang up , and there was a slight chill in the air .

  9. 秋风给枫林涂抹胭红。

    The wind of the autumn color the maples carmine .

  10. III黑鹂鸟在秋风里盘旋。

    III The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds .

  11. HPLC测定道地产区云黄连有效成分含量秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。

    Determination of Coptis teeta 's active compounds in genuine producing area by HPLC Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

  12. 我这儿还有一封秋风朋友的来信。

    Here 's a letter from a friend called Qiu feng .

  13. 飒飒秋风从宿舍的窗户穿越而入。

    Sough through the windows of autumn Entering from the dormitory .

  14. 只要有翼,当秋风吹起,就能展翅上扬,探索碧空。

    With wings , a bird soars in the autumn wind .

  15. 秋风未问黄叶事;

    The autumn wind doesn 't mind leaves to be yellow ;

  16. 对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样。

    Treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves .

  17. 秋风瑟瑟,落叶纷飞。

    The autumn wind was rustling and the leaves fell in profusion .

  18. 我们大家喜欢的夏天已经过去,秋风起了。

    Our beloved summer is gone . The autumn winds have begun .

  19. 苍翠的山林在秋风中渐渐变红了。

    The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind .

  20. 我看到金色的叶子随着凉爽的秋风飘落。

    I could see the yellow leaves falling with the cool wind .

  21. 一阵冷飕飕的秋风从北方吹来。

    A gust of chilly autumn wind is blowing from the north .

  22. 微微秋风吹来,果实的清香沁人心脾。

    Gentle autumn wind is blowing , and fruits are emitting strong fragrance .

  23. 它们从树上落下来,被秋风吹得四处飘落。

    They fall from the trees and blow about in the autumn wind .

  24. 春心未尽花残去,秋风怎过荡子心?

    Spring flowers residual cardiac deficiencies go , how autumn over vagrant hearts ?

  25. 人们走出户外,享受秋风送爽的日子。

    People went outdoors to be refreshed by the cool breeze of autumn .

  26. 才只是中秋,干燥的秋风已经蠢蠢欲动了。

    It 's just mid-autumn , dry wind of the autumn have prepared well .

  27. 无情的寒霜再加秋风的威力。

    Unpitying frosts , and Autumn 's power .

  28. 萧瑟秋风催春来&广东玩具业回顾与展望

    Review and Expectation on Guangdong ' Toy Business

  29. 如今只有秋风吹着它无树的陵墓。

    Now fall wind blows its treeless tombs .

  30. 寒冷的秋风正飕飕地吹着。

    The cold autumn wind was blowing hard .