
shěn pàn ɡōnɡ kāi
  • open trial
  1. 媒体监督有利于间接实现审判公开;

    Supervision of public media is indirectly favorable for realizing open trial .

  2. 论审判公开的理论基础

    On the theoretical foundation of open trial

  3. 审判公开是现代司法制度的基本特征。

    Public trial is an essential characteristic of modern judicial system .

  4. 审判公开思想与修订《民事诉讼法》的几个基本关系定位

    The Idea of Public Trials and the Amendment to the Civil Procedure Act

  5. 审判公开的权利包括法庭审判的公开和判决的公开。

    The right to a public hearing includes the publicity of trial and judgment .

  6. 论刑事审判公开

    On the Open Criminal Trial

  7. 但最高法院也裁定,某一明确具体的国家利益可以超越审判公开这项预设。

    But the Supreme Court also has ruled that a specifically identified state interest can outweigh the presumption of openness .

  8. 一方面,刑事二审简化审虽然在形式上贯彻体现了审判公开原则,但是它也直接导致了诉讼效率的降低及司法资源的紧张。

    Firstly , it embodies public hearing system , but it also reduces the efficiency of litigation and judicature resources .

  9. 判理公开是审判公开的重要内容,直接决定了程序的正义性。

    The exposure of ratio decidendi directly decides the justice of procedure , which is the significant content of the open trial .

  10. 第三,通过增加规定法庭审判公开的例外情形、建立裁判文书的查阅制度和确立判决公开的例外情形等方式完善审判公开的权利。

    Fourth , increasing the exceptions to public hearings and establishing an instruments inspection system can perfect the right to a public hearing .

  11. 审判公开作为现代诉讼中的一项重要制度,其产生绝非偶然,而是有着深厚的理论基础的。

    Open trial , as an important system in the modern lawsuit , is by no means fortuitous but has deep theoretical foundation .

  12. 实行审判公开制度,是司法公正的有力保障,是政治文明的重要内容,是充分展示公民权利的难得机会。

    Applying the open trial system is the important guarantee of judicial justice as well as the important component of the political civilization .

  13. 同时,他极力主张引入西方刑事诉讼中的直接、言词原则,控辩平等原则,律师辩护原则和审判公开原则。

    He partly introduced direct and oral principle equal principle defense of lawyers principle trial in public principle of the west into our country .

  14. 民事宣判是民事诉讼程序的重要环节,对于实现审判公开、程序公正和界定判决生效的时间界限都具有非常重要的意义。

    Judgment pronouncing System , an important part of Civil Procedure have a special importance for the realization of an open trial and procedural justness .

  15. 文章认为,审判公开原则的基本意义在于创造了社会监督的条件,促进了审判程序公正和裁判结果公正。

    The value of open trial is that it create the condition of social supervision and make contribution to the justice of trial procedure and judgment .

  16. 因此,刑事裁判文书公开不仅是对刑事审判公开的必然延伸,同时也具有其独立的价值。

    Therefore , the open criminal judicative paper is not only the necessary extension of the open criminal trial , but also has its own value .

  17. 从诉讼法理论上来讲,现代刑事诉讼的诉讼目的和诉讼公正的实现以及诸多诉讼原则的贯彻实施要求审判公开。

    In terms of the theory of law of legal procedure , modern lawsuit purpose and lawsuit just realization and great deal of lawsuit rules also requests open trial .

  18. 裁判公开与审理公开是审判公开制度的两大基本内容,但我国却疏于对裁判公开进行必要的研究与规制。

    Public verdict and open hearing are the two main basic systems that constitute open trial system . However , few researches and relevant rules and regulations have been made to public verdict .

  19. 在我国,构建相对独立的量刑听审程序关系着辩护方的权益保障、审判公开化改革、量刑建议试点之成效,亟需重视。

    In China , it is essential to set up independent sentencing procedure for safeguarding the defendant 's right , making trim into open , and supporting procuratorial organ 's power to suggest sentence .

  20. 尽管对审判公开的侧重点不同,但都达到了让民众服判的效果,我们无法得出哪一种模式更加优越。

    Although to places on trial the public emphasis to be different , but both can make the populaces accept the sentence , which one kind of pattern were we unable to obtain to be more superior .

  21. 主要从理论上对刑事证人出庭作证制度进行探讨,寻求刑事证人出庭作证制度的理论支撑,包括直接言词原则、公平原则、公正与效率原则、审判公开原则。

    Mainly from the theoretical system of criminal witness to testify in court , witnesses for the criminal system of theoretical support , including direct verbal principles of fairness , justice and efficiency principle , the principle of open trial .

  22. 审判公开是我国司法审判中的一项基本制度,但在审判实践中与审判公开相悖的现象仍然存在,尤其是目前的法院审判机制已成为制约审判公开落实的瓶颈。

    Open trials is one of the basic systems in our country 's judicial judgment . But in reality some trial practices still run counter to open trials , especially the present trial mechanism has become the bottleneck which restrains open trials from being carried out .

  23. 舆论监督可以按照行为模式分为主观监督与客观监督两个部分,客观监督与审判公开有关,与司法独立并无直接关系,真正与司法独立有关的是主观监督类型的舆论监督。

    Supervision in accordance with the behavioral patterns can be divided into the subjective supervision and the objective supervision . The objective supervision , directly linked with the public trial system , and not directly related to the independence of judiciary , which is linked to the subjective supervision .

  24. 法庭审判的公开具有三种例外情形。

    There are three exceptional instances of the publicity of trial .

  25. 然而考察我国刑事司法实践可以发现,诸如审判不公开、侦查不公开、证据不公开等许多看不见的方式在一定范围内还相当普遍。

    However , many " invisible ways " such as unopen trial , unopen investigation and evidence are common in the criminal judicial practice of China .

  26. 法庭审判的公开不必然适用于所有的上诉程序,在某些上诉程序中可以以书面材料为基础进行审判。

    The publicity of trial is not unconditionally suitable to all the processes , and in some appeal proceedings , the trial can been taken out on the basis of documents .

  27. 不起诉制度具有终止诉讼的效力,但不具备审判的公开性、中立性和当事人的参与性。

    The system of nonprosecution does not bear the the publicness , neutrality and participation of the parties in action when trial is conducted , though it has the effect of the termination of the lawsuit .

  28. 法庭审判的公开要求法庭必须使公众可以获得有关开庭的时间和地点的信息,并在合理的限度内,为公众出席法庭审判提供充分的便利。

    The publicity of trial requires courts to offer the information about time and place of the trial , and in the reasonable scope , offer the adequate facilities for the public to participate in the trial .

  29. 证人出庭作证制度,是现代庭审制度的基本要求,是刑事审判实现公开、公平和公正的关键因素之一。

    The system of the witness appearing in court as a witness is a basic demand of the system of modern court hearing and is also one of the key factors for making criminal justice open , fair and just .

  30. 在互联网时代审判的公开透明能够促进民众对司法判决的信任,要逐步完善多样化的程序来使审判公开以满足公众对审判参与的需求。

    In the Internet era , the trial can promote open and transparent public confidence in the judicial decision , to gradually improve the diversity of the program to make the trial open to meet the needs of public participation in the trial .